Josephine unstacked another box and got to work unpacking it. She was so absorbed in her task that she didn’t hear Jim and Evelyn arrive. It wasn’t until her mother planted a kiss on her cheek that she joined them in reality.
“Oh! Hey, Mom.” She kissed Evelyn back, before giving her father’s face the same treatment. “We’re getting there.”
“Oh, Joey-Roo, it’s really coming along. It looks wonderful,” Evelyn effused.
Smiling was agonizing but she attempted one anyway. “Thanks. We still have quite a bit of landscaping to do outside, but nothing to prevent us from opening for business. I’m stopping by the bank tonight for cash. The credit card machines are up and running.”
Her parents nodded along with her verbal list of preparations. But when she finished and they simply stared at her without responding, it occurred to her how frazzled she must sound.
“Sorry for the info dump. I’m just excited.”
“Of course you are, Joey,” Jim said, affection shining in his eyes. “And we’re so proud of you for... everything. Especially your determination to carry the Doyle torch. To keep it burning.”
“Why do I sense a but coming?” Josephine asked warily.
Evelyn smiled. “When is there not a but coming with us?”
Her parents traded a look. “Far be it from us to meddle in your romantic life, dear,” Evelyn said. “But we’re wondering if you’re just going to ignore the flowers.”
Josephine squinted. “The flowers...?”
“And the giant teddy bears,” Jim added.
“I’m not following.”
Jim nudged his wife. “Don’t forget about the Bath and Body Works gift baskets.” He winced. “Seventeen of them, to be exact.”
“Ohhhh.” Josephine figured she was abusing her tactic of choice, playing dumb, her gaze reluctantly tracking to the other side of the pro shop, where gifts from Wells were literally piled up to the ceiling. “Thoseflowers and bears and gift baskets.”
Evelyn nodded encouragingly. “Yes.”
“I haven’t decided what to do about those yet.”
“I’ll have to clear them out for the grand opening, but—”
“Joey, have you turned on the Masters?” Jim broke in.
“We only got cable this morning!”
Evelyn just looked disappointed in her. “Honestly, Joey. Quit being such a pussy.”
The woman had the nerve to blush.“Well. Stop!”
Jim was slowly recovering from hearing his wife say the P-word. “Uh... I’m just going to turn it on. We can let Wells do the talking.”
What was that supposed to mean?
Josephine didn’t know, but she lowered herself onto a box and hugged her knees, bracing. Maybe part of her had known for the last few days that as soon as she turned on the tournament, the ice layer that had formed on her lungs when Wells saidyou’re firedwould melt. Just melt clean away.
And she was right.
There were a few minutes of footage of another pairing before the camera moved to Wells. But then... there he was.