Page 102 of Fangirl Down

“I know.” She gathered her hair in a hand, tilting her chin toward the flame. Inviting him to join. “I want you to.”

That sealed it. Josephine wanted something—Josephine got it. Period.

With a sigh, Wells angled himself in his seat and leaned in toward the cupcake. Without counting down, they blew at the exact same time, extinguishing the flame. Somewhere deep insidehim, a pothole paved itself over. Maybe the road was never going to be perfect, but it was getting better. Good enough to drive on.

“Your swing has been looking a damn sight better, son,” Jim was saying.

Wells had to run that statement back several times to process it, because he was so lost looking at the man’s daughter. Could anyone blame him? How did she always know the right thing to say? To do? Was sheactuallyan angel?

“Thanks,” Wells said slowly, narrowing his eyes to examine his girlfriend for evidence.

“Joey, how is your swing? You been keeping in stroke?”

Nowthatgot Wells’s attention.

He nearly got whiplash looking at Jim so fast. Then back to his girlfriend.

“Jesus Christ, Josephine,” Wells started, hot irritation licking at his skin—but only irritation at himself. “I’ve never seen you hit a golf ball.”

Jim’s spoon clattered onto his coffee saucer.

A horrified and much deserved silence passed over the table.


“No,” Wells said miserably. How was that even possible?

Josephine was laughing at him. “Calm down. We’ll get to it.”

“No, I don’t think you understand, this needs to happentoday.”

“Rolling Greens still hasn’t opened its doors after the hurricane. And we don’t even have a tee time anywhere else,” his girlfriend sputtered. “Halfway through a day this beautiful? There aren’t going to be any spots left.”

Wells gave her a look that saidoh come on. “My name hassomepull, Josephine.”

“So does yours, by now, Joey-Roo.”

Joey-Roo, mouthed Wells with a smug wink.

Josephine kicked him under the table while taking a giant bite of her cupcake.

I’m going to marry this woman.

Done fucking deal. Someone direct him to the nearest ring shop.

“Call Lone Pine and see if they can slide you in, Joey. While you wait for your tee time to roll around, you can show Wells the progress on the Golden Tee.” Jim clasped his hands, wringing them eagerly. “You won’t believe how far the shop has come in just a week. Joey cleaned it up real nice, got it all set for construction to begin.” He turned his broad smile on his daughter. “Did you talk to the contractor yet, honey?”

She stopped chewing. Swallowed thickly. “Yes.”

“When?” Evelyn asked.

Wells watched her closely when she didn’t answer right away. “This morning, actually,” she finally said, sending a jolt of surprise to his gut. “I gave him the all-clear to begin working.”

Jim could barely sit still in his seat. “Putting green, drive-through window, and everything?”

Josephine nodded. “That’s right. We even discussed the idea of a consultation lounge where guests can look at drone footage of the holes and get advice on their strategy. I told him... to go for it.” Her laughter was light. “All the bells and whistles.”

The more Wells heard about the project, the more he started to relax. This kind of effort would take months, at least. He wouldn’t have to give up having Josephine as his caddie any time soon. Right? “What is the timeline?” he asked.