Page 33 of The Enemy

I glance at my door and then back to Hudson, wondering if this is a really stupid idea.

“You know your bed is huge. We can share without it getting weird.”

Hudson moves in closer to me until we’re standing just inches away from each other. I’m not a short woman, but he still makes me feel tiny as he looms over me. My breath stalls in my chest as he dips his head so his lips are almost touching mine. I swear I might pass out from lack of oxygen as I fight the internal battle of whether I want him to kiss me or not. No, not a battle. I do want it, I just don’t know if it’s a good idea. If I could just access those memories, it might be easier.

“Audrey, if you want me in your bed, you’re gonna have to ask, nicely.”

My eyes narrow at the gravelly, deep statement and it takes my brain a second to catch up. I fold my arms indignantly as I step back and give him a glare that would fell most men. It doesn’t even cause a flicker of a reaction and, God, I like that too. I don’t want a man I can intimidate or push around. I want a man who can keep up with me, who can challenge me one minute and hold me in his arms and protect me the next. Urgh, I want Hudson, and I’ll cut off my own arm before I admit it.

“Never gonna happen. I was trying to be nice, but I’d rather share a bed with a rabid dog than you.”

To my irritation, Hudson’s lips twitch in a smile as he steps back with a wink. “You know where I am if you change your mind.”

Spinning on my heel, I head into his room to escape, closing the door silently so as not to disturb Tia and lean against the back.

Taking a quick shower, I change into satin, short pajamas and slide between the cool sheets of Hudson’s bed. My skin feels sensitive as I lie down and the scent of him consumes my every pore. I can almost taste his skin on my tongue as I toss and turn. My body growing more and more aroused with every movement. He’s everywhere in this room, and I can’t help but imagine what it would be like to wake up wrapped in his arms.To roll over in the night and have him pull me to his side, even in sleep. To have his hands on me, in that space between sleep and awake where everything feels lazy and leisurely. Would he slide his hand between my legs? Would he kiss me and whisper all the dirty things he wanted to do? Or would he push his huge cock inside me, while I was barely awake, and fuck me into wakefulness with an earth-shattering orgasm?

I fallinto a fitful sleep filled with erotic images of the man across the hall from me and wake feeling groggy. I throw the covers off me when my alarm goes off and jump in the shower, determined to keep my head on straight for this meeting later today.

Dressing in a navy fitted dress with cap sleeves and a modest square neckline, I add a red belt and red heels to give it some color. I know I have to dress the part in my world, but I refuse to give in to the temptation to dress like I want to merge into the gray suit brigade. As a woman in business, I want to celebrate that, and dressing with my own signature gives me that little victory.I curl my dark hair into a low chignon and finish my make-up with a red lip, which screams ‘I mean business’.

When I make it to the kitchen, I stop short when I see Hudson and Tia talking to an older woman. All eyes come to me so I force a smile and lift my head high.

“Good morning, Tia. Did you sleep well?” I move to her on instinct and place my hand on her back as she wraps an arm around my waist.

“Yes, but Huddy says I need to stay home today because of my cold.”

I look to Hudson who is watching us closely. His clean-shaven jaw is half hidden by a mug of coffee. He has on a white shirt, navy suit pants, and a navy vest with a red tie, and anyone who didn’t know would think we’d coordinated our looks. He looks delicious and all those images that kept me up last night blast back into my head.

“Well, he knows best.”

“I guess.”

I hate the dejected sound of her voice, and something in me wants to fix everything for this child. “How about I stop on my way home and get some new crafting stuff for us to do later?”

My eyes are on Hudson, but my question is for Tia. I see him give me a small nod, his eyes warm and it makes me stand taller.

“Yes. Can we make jewelry?”

“Of course. I’ll get everything we need.”

“What do you say, Tia?”

I glance at Mrs. Price, who Hudson explained helps him out with Tia and has since she was a baby, to see her watching me and I feel like I might have just passed some secret test.

“Thank you, Audrey. You’re the best.”

I smile as she hugs me tight. “You’re welcome, sweet girl.”

Breakfast is less chatty than last night but more rushed too. I grab a piece of toast and a coffee as Hudson talks to Mrs. Price. Then we’re headed for the door, like this happens every morning, a routine that I’ve slipped into despite never having shared my morning with a child.

“Did you sleep okay?”

I startle at the question as Hudson and I sit side by side on the drive into the city. He has a driver for this so he can use the time to work, he explained. I get that, I do the same, but I guess for him, it’s more important because he needs his spare time for Tia.

“Yes, thank you.” I won’t admit I had sex dreams about him all night.

“Glad you did. I spent the night imagining you in my bed, and it wasn’t conducive to sleep.”