Page 25 of The Enemy

“Audrey, that was mean.”

I wave a hand. “Oh, please. That woman has fucked more married men than I’ve had glasses of champagne.”

Eden pales.

“Don’t worry, none of your husbands would be stupid enough to go there.”

A server sidles up to us and she looks professional and friendly without being too friendly. “What can I get you ladies?”

We all order our cocktails or mocktails and wait until we’re alone before the talk turns to Hudson again. I pick at the breadsticks on the table, my appetite isn’t great right now but I hardly touched breakfast and if I don’t eat something, I’ll be passed out before happy hour.


“Well, what?”

I point a breadstick at Amelia who was brave enough to ask and she breaks the end off and steals half.

“Hudson. What happened between you two? You’re like feral beasts around each other half the time.”

As I’m about to answer, I see Lottie look over my shoulder, her eyes widening. “Oh, shit.”

“What?” I turn, my heart in my throat, and see Hudson walk in with Felicity Marchand, the famous supermodel. I feel the hair on my neck go up as I look at them together and something hot and dangerous bubbles in my blood. I want to study them objectively, him tall, dark, and handsome with a dangerous air about him that calls to me. Her tall, blonde, with striking blue eyes and a figure to die for. He bends to listen to something she’s saying and laughs, and I see red.

“Audrey, no.”

I ignore Amelia’s warning and stride toward my husband in name only, with no idea of what I want to say to him when I get there. His head comes up and I see shock on his face. Ha! Serves that cheating rat bastard right, but then his face morphs into a show-stopping smile that makes me want to drop to my knees. My steps falter but he’s already walking toward me.

“Darling, I didn’t know you would be here today.”

I still as he takes me in his arms, his hand low on my back, almost caressing the top of my ass, his palm on the side of my neck. His smile is wide and open and, if I didn’t know the truth, I’d see a man who was delighted to see his wife.

“It wasn’t planned.”

“Well, it’s a pleasant surprise for me.”

He dips his head and I go to turn my head, but his fingers capture my jaw and hold me in his firm grip. I think he’ll drop a perfunctory kiss on my lips to seal our story, but he doesn’t. Hudson kisses me like he hasn’t breathed air in years and I’m his only source.

Firm lips slant over mine as he pushes his tongue in to tease against mine. I sigh against him as he brings his hand up, cupping my head, his hard body pressing against me. And I mean hard, his dick is like a giant stick of rock against my lower belly, and it makes me want to rub against him like a cat and purr.

He pulls away and pins me with his intense gaze, his dark eyes latent with hunger. “Missed you.”

Those two words pack such a punch I can’t speak because they’re laced with so much sincerity, that for a second only we exist.

“Wow, that was hot.”

We both startle like we’d forgotten everyone else was there and, for a moment, I’d done just that. He consumes me, he always has. I step back and he lets me go, but not far, his hand sliding into my palm and that sweet contact affects me as much as the kiss did.

Norrie is munching on a breadstick as she watches us from just beside me. Lottie, Amelia, and Eden are standing with her like my emotional support team.

“Hey, Hudson.”

“Ladies, it’s a pleasure to see you again. I see you’re keeping my wife entertained.”

I want to glare at him, but we have every eye in the room on us and it causes nerves to take flight in my belly. I’m used to being looked at because of who I am but the role I’ve molded into my own personal shield won’t work here. I have to play the devoted wife. As if sensing my nerves, Hudson glances at me, giving me a wink that makes my knees weak as his thumb strokes over my palm in a soothing motion.

Fuck, why does he have to be so hot and sweet? I’m starting to think this might have been a mistake.

“Not as entertained as you just made her.”I elbow Amelia in the ribs, and she winces and glares at me. “Oi.”