Page 23 of The Enemy

Eden is leaning over Ryker and I snap out of my pity party. I have things to do, but right now I don’t want to be alone with my thoughts because they either lead to my father and the huge overwhelming loss I face, or to Hudson and the confusion I feel over him.“Sure, sounds nice.”

Beck grabs the check and I stand on the sidelines as all these alpha males kiss their wives like they might never see them again. I feel apart and yet included and, for a second, I wonder what it would be like if Hudson was here. Would he kiss me like the thought of a few hours apart was too much or would we be awkward and stilted? Because no matter how much my teenage self wants it, we aren’t real, and I need to keep remembering that.

We step onto the street and my car slides up beside us, my driver, Nick, holding the door open as we all pile inside. One of the perks of my name is having a driver at my beck and call. Although I prefer to drive myself at weekends.

“We’re going shopping, Nick, so you know what that means?”

Nick is a fifty-year-old father of four daughters and, although they don’t shop in the same stores as I do, he knows where I want to go.

He grins and tips his head. “Sure thing, Miss Kennedy.”

“That’s Mrs. Carmichael,” Amelia pipes up from beside me.

I freeze at the name. I know the media has been banding it around like a hooker at a bachelor party, but it is the first time I am hearing it.

“Oops. Sorry, Mrs. Carmichael.”


“What it’s true. You are Mrs. Carmichael.”

“I know but….”

But what? Why do I mind so much? Probably because I spent so long wishing it was my name and now hearing it throws me for a loop.

“But nothing.”

I shut the barrier between Nick and myself so I could talk freely to my friends. I close my eyes and rub the sides of my temples where a headache is forming. When I open my eyes, I find four sets of eyes watching me with varying degrees of question in them.


“Well, was the sex good?”

“Norrie?” I stammer at her brazen question.

“What? That man has some serious Big Dick Energy.”

“He really does.”

Eden nods and I scowl, making her wince. I feel bad for a second because she’s the newest to our group of friends and I know I can seem a little fierce sometimes. “Sorry.” I pat her knee and her smile returns.

“It’s fine. This must be a lot to take in.”

“You have no idea. I have to live with him four days a week and somehow find the energy to do my job, exercise, spend as much precious time with my dad as I can, and learn how to interact with a ten-year-old girl. And, on top of that, I have to try not to fall at my new husband’s feet and beg him to fuck me until none of it matters.”

I pause and glance up to see open-mouthed faces watching me.

“What?” I whisper yell at them and the slack jaws morph as each of them cracks up laughing. I’m speechless until suddenly I’m laughing too. Tears are pouring down my face until I’m hiccupping with it.

“Oh, my goodness. Do you feel better now you got that out of your system?”

“No.” I wipe tears from my cheeks. “I feel fucking horny.”

“So, call your handsome husband to come fuck you dirty.”

I shake my head. “No, I told him if he brought his dick near me I’d bite it off.”
