Page 21 of The Enemy

I haven’t even wrapped my head around Tia and what it all means about the past we share.

Beck waves at me from a large table in the corner of the restaurant where all my friends are waiting for me. I wanted to tell them altogether, so I’d only have to explain it once, but now, as my stomach pitches, I wonder if I can bail without it seeming obvious that something is going on.

No. I have to do this and then I can answer any questions they have before I put it to bed.

“Hey, honey.”

Lottie stands to kiss my cheek, as does Linc, who is sitting beside his wife. I sit between Lottie and Ryker, and he wraps an arm around my shoulders and kisses my head as his beautiful wife smiles at us. God, these two are so in love it’s almost suffocating, but I’d never begrudge any of my friends what they’ve found. I love that they’re all so in love. I just wish it didn’t make me want the same thing when I know my life isn’t on that path.

“Hey.” I offer Lottie a smile that feels forced. “How is the mommy to be?”

“Good. The nausea comes and goes. I just need my husband to relax and understand I’m pregnant, not sick.”

My glance slides to my cousin, who shrugs. He’s super protective of Lottie and I know it’s because he almost lost her through his own idiocy. Personally, I like seeing him this way. A man who isn’t afraid to show the world how much he adores the woman he’s with is refreshing. Although all my friends are the same. It’s like being trapped in a romance book with all the alpha heroes.

“We ordered you an Old Fashioned.”

Ryker pushes the glass toward me, and I take a grateful sip, letting the alcohol burn and warm me from the inside. I need this liquid courage right now, but it sits uncomfortably on my empty stomach. Eating hasn’t been high on my list of priorities of late, and, honestly, my appetite has been virtually nothing.

I look around the table and see Beck with Amelia between him and Xander. Norrie is next to him, and then beside her, his arm around the back of her chair protectively, is Harrison. Eden and Ryker are heading off on their honeymoon tomorrow and I can see how perfect they are for each other with just one glance.

“So, are we doing this before or after we eat because I’m starving?”

“Beck, be patient.”

He grasps the hand that Amelia has slapped across his chest and brings her fingertip to his lips with a sexy smile that’s so intimate and tender it makes my chest ache.

“Let’s get this over with now so I can relax.”

I’m not sure I mean those words, but I want to. I blow out a breath and sit up taller, knowing that no matter what, my friends will have my back. They might not agree with anything I’m doing but they’ll support me one hundred percent. To me, that is priceless.

“I’m not sure if Lincoln told you.” I eye my cousin and he shakes his head no, although I know that doesn’t include Lottie, as she was there when I broke the news to him. “My father is dying.” Conversation breaks out across the table but my eyes are on Beck as I hold up my hand.“I need to get this out.”

Everyone goes silent as Lottie reaches for my one hand and Ryker the other, and I take them, grateful for their support. “He has Myeloma and it’s end stage.”

I know by the look of regret that passes my friend’s face that he recognizes the truth.

Lottie squeezes my hand harder as Ryker hugs me tight. “Oh, Audrey, I’m so sorry.”

“Thank you.”

“So, what is that?”


I motion for him to explain because I need a second to gather myself and he’ll give a clean, clinical explanation better than I ever could. He might be a heart surgeon, but he’s a wonderful doctor and I know he did a rotation in oncology before he decided to specialize in cardiology. Sipping my drink, I wish I was anywhere but here having to give this news, but I’m not. Wishes are pointless. They never come true.

Once Beck has finished, I feel the eyes of all my friends on me and blink back tears.

“We’re here for you, Audrey,” Harrison says with sincerity.

“Please, don’t be nice to me right now or I’m going to flood this place with tears.”

“Okay. Subject change. What about your new husband?”

I glance at Ryker, grateful to him for changing the subject. “Hudson and I clearly overindulged at the wedding and ended up getting hitched.”

“So, what’s the plan? You getting it annulled?”