Page 19 of The Enemy

Audrey folds her arms over her chest, causing my eyes to drop to the swells that I itch to feel against my palms. Her walls are coming up fast in front of my eyes, the tilt of her mouth determined and angry. “I’m not here to discuss the past.”

I want to argue, to defend myself, but I know I need to be smart, to let her come to the realization on her own. Audrey has spent a long time hating me and thinking I cheated so it will take a little while for her to switch that anger off and allow herself to even consider she might be wrong about what happened.

“Fine. Let’s discuss this little plan of yours then.”

“Good. I propose we stay married. I’ll stay at your house at the weekends and at my apartment during the week. Nobody will suspect because it’s closer to the city and I often have late meetings at the club.”

“Alright. I want you at my house Friday to Monday when we can travel together.”

Her lips thin but she nods and I bite back the smile of triumph. Every little victory with Audrey is hard won and all the sweeter for it.

“I also want you to meet my parents and act accordingly.”

“You mean like I worship the ground you walk on?”


Little does she know that will be the easy part. I’ve loved her since the day we met and not a day in between has that love faded, but I can’t tell her that now. She’d reject it and build her walls even higher to keep me out. “Then I want the same in front of your friends. I won’t come out of this looking like some poor schmuck so desperate to do your bidding that I’ll sacrifice my pride.”

Audrey sniffs. “I can’t do that. I don’t lie to my friends.”

“Okay, we can compromise on that. You can tell your close friends, the club owners, and their wives. Anyone else will think you’re hanging on my every word like a lovesick teenager but I want one extra night at my house.”

I watch her shoulders stiffen and think I might have pushed too hard, but I won’t back down. No matter how much I love her, I can’t be weak. She doesn’t respect weak people and I’m too arrogant and stubborn to let her walk all over me. Unless she’s naked in six-inch heels, then I might reconsider my stance.

“I haven’t ever been a lovesick teenager and I agree to the extra night.”

“Oh, please. We both know that’s a lie.”

I fold my arms over my chest to stop myself from reaching for her and hauling her into my arms. She conceded easier than I thought on the extra night and something about her submission gives me the primal urge to kiss her until she’s boneless and begging for my cock.

“Do we? As I remember it, we had decent sex and a few laughs. It was never serious.”

I almost laugh at her blatant attempt to minimize what we had. “Bullshit. What we had was real. In fact, it was damn near perfect. And the sex was never decent, it was fucking life-changing, so don’t lie to yourself or me.”

“If it was so perfect, you wouldn’t have walked away so easily, so save me the melodramatics.”

“I thought we weren’t talking about the past, Audrey?”

“We’re not but we are talking about sex.”

“Are we?”


I love this back-and-forth with her. This is Audrey at her best. She could cut you with her sharp tongue, and outsmart anyone I know with her whiplash intellect, but underneath she’s soft, loving, and I want her back in my life for good.“Okay.”

“While we’re together, I demand discretion. If you want to get your dick wet, you make sure nobody finds out and I don’t see it. I won’t be the butt of people’s jokes.”

I feel all the humor at our verbal sparring wither away and die. Fury is churning in my gut now, that she’d believe I’d do that to her, that I’d disrespect her in such a way.

I stalk closer and spear my hand through her soft tresses, tilting her face to mine and speaking so close my lips brush her pouty bottom lip. God, the taste of her is right there for the taking. Her hands find my chest to steady herself from my sudden invasion, but she shows no fear, as she shouldn’t. I’d cut off my own dick before I’d hurt her. No, what I see is a hundred times more dangerous.

I see my own wants and needs mirrored in her wild, slumberous eyes. Her body shifts, softening against me and my cock pushes against the zipper of my pants to break free. I’m so damn hard for her it’s painful.

“Let’s get a few things straight right here and now. First, I would never disrespect you by cheating on you, no matter what you think of me. Second, if I want to get my dick wet, I’ll be getting wet inside my wife’s gorgeous cunt or silky, sinful mouth.”

A sharp inhale of breath has me fighting back a groan but, as much as she wants to submit to me, Audrey is fighting it and it will only make it sweeter when she eventually succumbs, and we both know she will. We’re destined.