Page 17 of The Enemy

“Goodnight, Princess Belle.”

My eyes dart to Hudson, who looks as shocked and affected as me. The name he always called me sticks in my belly like a sword.

“I’ll see you tomorrow.”

I need to get out of there to lick my wounds and regroup before I do or say something I might regret.

As I drive away, I see Hudson close the front door and a breath leaves me. Today has been a month of Mondays. I got married, found out my father was dying, and met the child who took Hudson from me. I have so many feelings right now that I can’t process even one of them. I just need to go home. Bury myself in my bed with my favorite caramel praline ice cream and have a good cry.

Tomorrow I can get back to being the Audrey everyone knows and loves.


I’m sittingbehind my desk, trying not to watch the clock when I hear a commotion in reception. Standing, I move to the door and pull it open to find Audrey facing down my secretary, Grace.

“I don’t need an appointment. I’m his wife.”

My dick hardens at her words, and I fight the smile. Something I do a lot around Audrey.

The two warring women haven’t even noticed me, and I lean against the door frame and enjoy it for a second. Not two women fighting over me, that gets tired really quick, but Audrey fighting for, or over, me is like fucking Viagra.

“Don’t be ridiculous. Hudson would have told me if he’d gotten married.”

Audrey is dressed for business this morning in a red pencil skirt that molds around her hips, showcasing her perfect ass, and flaring at her knees, making her long-toned legs look like a fucking honey trap. A black sheer blouse with long sleeves and a high neck gives the illusion of modesty but my mind sees all the tiny buttons and hears them ping to the ground as I tear it from her. Sky-high black heels with red soles complete her look.

“Hudson doesn’t tell his staff everything.”

“I’m not just staff.”

I step forward as Audrey looks ready to throw my secretary out of the window.


Both turn to me, Audrey breathing fire and Grace looking smug as if I’m going to throw Audrey out. It won’t be the first time a woman has come here and tried some underhanded tactic to see me.

“Grace, this is my wife, Audrey. As I’m sure you know from the papers.” I give her a reprimanding look because I know she’s playing games. Grace is the best secretary I’ve ever had but she’s made it clear on more than one occasion that she’d like more. I’ve made it just as clear it won’t happen but still, she tries to push the boundaries.

“I don’t read gossip rags.”

Her sulky pout irritates me, but seeing her get under Audrey’s skin makes me wonder if my wife might be a smidge jealous.

“Maybe you should and then you won’t make a fool of yourself.” Audrey sweeps past me on those words, and I get swept up in her scent.

I lean down to Grace and make sure she knows I’m not joking. “In future, if my wife visits, unless I’m with a client, she has full access to me. Is that clear?”

“Yes, Mr. Carmichael.”


I walk back into my office and close the door, adjusting my cuffs as I turn to find Audrey sitting behind my desk. She looks fierce and fucking stunning. Everything in me wants to fall at her feet and worship her, but that isn’t the man she needs right now. She needs control, and fighting with me and winning a hard-fought battle will give her that.

“Unless you want to sit in my lap and have this discussion, I suggest you move.”

Audrey snorts. “Like I’d let you near me.”

I arch my brow in a mocking statement, and she curls her lip but stands and moves to the window. Looking out over the view of Manhattan, I allow myself a moment to take her in. Her shoulders are high with tension, and she looks like she’s lost weight even in the last two days.

“Tell me about your father.”