Page 5 of Hunting Graves

She gulps. Looks at me. Her bright green eyes are begging me to lie to her but Ican’t. “Why?”

“Because I think IamRose’s father, Odi.”

“Fuck you,” she hisses, lurching to her feet.

“Odi—” Kaiden calls, but she ignores him. Shoving past me, she takes off in a run and disappears along the corridor. “Go after her!”

I shake my head. I can’t. Odi hates me right now – and with good reason – she deserves a minute to catch her breath and get some space.

Because if she thinksthisis bad, she’s got a nasty shock coming when she learns the rest of what I need to tell her.

“Why aren’t you telling her the whole truth?” Kaiden demands. This time it’s my turn to pale.Surely he doesn’t know?He can’t. No one can.

“Excuse me,” Zie stumbles to his feet and races into my bathroom, not bothering to close the door behind him. A split second later the sounds of him throwing up reach us, and I grimace. I hope he made it to the toilet in time. I’m not cleaning that up.

Poor Zie.

His whole world just imploded, and I still don’t think he’s put all the pieces together yet.

“You’re an asshole,” Kaiden tells me, shaking his head.

Zie reappears in the doorway, looking shell-shocked and green.

“I know,” I admit flatly. I can think of many worse things to call myself.

“I need to…go,” Zie states. I nod. He takes off in the same direction Odi went in without another word.

“You’re not an asshole for what you’ve done, you’re an asshole for not explaining it properly.”

There he goes again, alluding to the dirty truth that I thought was my secret sin to bear alone.

“She wouldn’t want to hear it,” I tell him. “It wouldn’t lessen what she’s been through, or what I did to her.”


“No buts, Kaiden,” I snap. “She can never know.”

“You really are an asshole,” he mutters to himself, shaking his head.

That I am. But now what?

My mother won’t have anything to do with me anymore. My father is in charge of my ‘discipline’. I don’t know what that means and when I asked him, he hit me.

It turns out,thatis discipline.

And I need disciplining a lot.

What the fuck is happening? I’m confused, hurt, numb…and I’ve no idea why. Clearly, I’ve been left out of the loop. Again. Bombshells have been dropping left, right and centre, and I’m none the wiser.

The places my head is going…I feel like I’m losing my mind. Rose. Odi. Axel. My Father. It’s no wonder I threw up.

Odi is Rose’s mum? What the fuck? I thought…I don’t know what I thought. That maybe Rose was my mother’s baby, conceived with one of her many lovers. I sure as shit knew that Rose couldn’t biologically be my father’s.

He’s barren.

Although, I guess they don’t use that word for men. They save that disgusting, derogatory term for women. No, my father’simpotent.I’ve known that for years. Fuck knows if my father does. Surely, he must. How can he not? Though he’s certainly deluded enough to believe that he has a litter of illegitimate children spread across the country. His sense of self-importance is even more inflated than Axel’s.

But my father’s reaction…he seemed to genuinely believe that Rose is his daughter. Which is sickening if Rose really is Odi’s. It changes everything, even if I don’t want to admit it.