Page 29 of Hunting Graves

“He was injured when the bomb went off. Everyone was running in the opposite direction and he was seen runningtowardsthe blast apparently.”

I twist the sheet between my fingers as all colour leaves my face. The guys said Arcelia was hurt, not Hector.“Shit. I didn’t know,” I whisper. “Is he okay?”

“Heard he was taken to hospital.”

“No one told me.”They lied to me. Again.

“Sorry, I assumed you knew.”

“I don’t mean you. I meanthem. There’s no way they didn’t know about this, but they never said a word.”

“I can’t believe they didn’t tell you.”

I sigh heavily. “There’s a lot of shit they’re not telling me. I’m going to message Hector, hang on.”

“It’s so weird you call him that.”

I shrug. “He told me to.”

Lou’s brows reach her hairline. “Are you adding a fourth to your little harem?”

I snort. “Hardly. It’s not a harem. Definitely not a fourth. There’s not even a third. Or a second.”

“But I thought you and Zie had a thing going on.”

“Not really.”

“So it’s you and Kaiden then.”

I don’t answer, and her jaw drops. “Axel? You chose the fucking ice king?”


“So which one are you fucking then?”

“Umm, most regularly? Probably Kaiden. But I’m supposed to be with Axel. Exclusively. But he can go fuck himself if he thinks that’s happening now.”

Lou laughs. “That’s a mess. But I swear there’s still something with Zie.”

“He said some things. But there’s too much history there. Too much hurt.”

“Ugh. Who needs to spend the weekend watching chick flicks when we can just talk about your love life?”

“I’d rather not,” I reply with a tight laugh, even though I absolutely mean it. I don’t want to talk about all…thisstuff. And bystuffI mean, humongous fucking mess.

“Okay, okay, I get the message! Let’s change the topic.”

I smile in relief until she adds, “So, who’s the best in bed?”

Something close to a disbelieving snort, combined with a scream escapes me, and I end up grabbing her pillow to throw at her. There’s a knock on the door and it opens as we’re both still laughing.

“What’s with all the noise? Some of us are trying to sleep!” Lucy snaps with a scowl.

“Oh, hey Lucy. How are you feeling? I heard you weren’t great.”

“I’m fine.”

“Oh, so you don’t need the chocolate that I bought round?”