Page 155 of Hunting Graves

I grit my teeth and pinch the bridge of my nose.

My phone pings with a notification. Odi’s arrived at The General’s house.

It’s showtime.

“Go after him,” I tell Zie, turning to my phone. “Stop him from fucking this up for everyone.”

I need to watch this. I need to be ready. Nothing can go wrong. Not now. Not when we’ve gambled so much and paid the highest price.

Odi, my love, show them the unbreakable warrior you are. Make them pay, princess.

Enjoy these little bonus scenes that were written but never made it into the final version of the story.

One is set long before the guys leave for college and shows from an early age how darkly besotted they were over Odi and the lengths they would go to to protect her.

Another is a scene you may recognise from Candy Canes which takes place between Christmas and New Year at the end of Hunting Graves.

And the final one is from when Odi’s in labour, a few months later.




“You think it’s too much?” I ask the others as all three of us stare down at the severed hand wrapped in tissue paper and boxed on the table before us. I frown now, second guessing myself. I thought this was the perfect gift to give to Peony but Zie looks horrified. Axel is unreadable as always.

“Dude, that’s?—”

“Perfect?” I supply hopefully.

“Fucking sick,” Zie finishes with a grimace. Actually, he does look kinda green now that I come to think of it.

“Don’t you dare puke on Odi’s birthday gift!”

“You can’t give her that!” he gasps. Always such a drama queen.

“Axel?” I turn to him, hoping he’ll back me up on this.

“The tissue paper won’t work,” is all he says. Now Zie gapes at him.


“You’ve iced this, right?”


“Well pretty soon it’s gonna thaw. And then it’ll leak.”

“Leak?” Zie looks really sick now.

“Yeah, you know, drip, puss, seep, disc?—”

“So help me god do not ruin every sex word for me by finishing that list of synonyms!” I cry. “Jesus. Who cares if it leaks a little?”

“The tissue paper will go all mushy. And the dye will run out of it.”

“Your point being?”