Page 73 of Girl Abroad

“If you want an adventure,” he says roughly, “you could come with me this summer whilst I’m traveling.”

I snort out a sarcastic laugh. “Right. Sure.” It isn’t a serious invitation and doesn’t deserve a serious response. “Because you haven’t had enough of hauling me all over southern England.”

“I wouldn’t offer if I minded.” At that, Nate’s dark eyes become abruptly intense.

His sudden bouts of earnestness give me whiplash. It’s also honest, though. Maybe even endearing. He doesn’t say much, but I know what he does say I can take at face value. It’s refreshing.

I eye him pointedly. “You still haven’t told me why you invited me to lunch.”

Another shrug. Guys should get shock treatments as children to break them of such infuriating habits.

“Nate,” I push.

He slowly chews his food, then swallows. “I don’t know why I asked. Every now and then, I think about you. Wonder how you’re getting on. New city and all.”

Just when I thought I’d managed to get my heart rate under control around this man, he goes and says things like that.

“So you just wanted to check up on me?” I prompt, ignoring my thundering heartbeat.

“Yeah. Well, no. Bloody hell, I don’t know.” He sounds flustered. “You’re an interesting paradox.”

“I don’t think anyone’s ever called me a paradox before.”

“You are.” He shoves a hand through his messy hair. “Sometimes you come off as wiser than your years. Or maybeworldlyis the better word. And then other times, you’re young, inexperienced…” He drifts off.

I bristle. Inexperienced? I mean, he’s not entirely wrong.

But he’s not entirely right either.

He notices my expression and his lips curve slightly. “Like that. That look. Other women, older ones, would try to hide it. The insecurity. Not you, though. Your eyes reveal everything you’re thinking and feeling.”

“And yours reveal nothing,” I counter.

“Yeah, I’ve heard that before.”

I fix him with a defiant look. “Let’s say it’s true—I’m young, inexperienced, insecure at times, everything you just said. What of it?”

Something I can’t interpret flickers in his expression. “Some men might be drawn to that. Triggers the urge to take care of you, protect you.”

“Some men, huh?”

He doesn’t respond.

Irritation flares inside me. “I swear, it’s like pulling teeth with you guys. First Jack, now you.”

“Jack?” he says sharply, and I immediately regret my slipup.

“Nothing. Forget it.”

“Something going on with you two?”

“No. I don’t know. I mean, he came home drunk and kissed me and then shoved me into the friend zone, so I don’t know what the fuck, you know?”

“He came on to you?” Nate’s tone takes on a dangerous edge.

“Not like that. It wasn’t aggressive. He sort of sprang it on me and walked off.” I laugh to myself. “Went to bed, actually.”

I forget for a moment who I’m talking to. With the time difference between Eliza and me, I guess I’ve felt the shortage of outlets to get this stuff off my chest. I certainly can’t talk to my roommates about it. Or Celeste, who’d just tell Lee. In my right mind, I wouldn’t unload this information on Nate. But he’s deceptively easy to talk to. He lulls me into complacency.