Page 68 of Girl Abroad

I foresee a frantic eruption of flying fabric in my future. Already picturing Lee propelled to next-level fashion monster.

“Feel free to bring a friend, of course. I know how the ladies are obsessed with royalty.”

I wouldn’t know.

Despite my indifference to the monarchy, though, I would never miss an opportunity for a good story. And this is one for the books. I just had lunch with a lord, and now I’m going to a royal ball.

How is this even my life?


CELESTE IS THE FIRST TO JUMP ON ME FOLLOWING MY LUNCH WITHBen. She texts as I’m leaving the library later to ask how the meeting went. I make the mistake of mentioning the invitation to the ball, and by the time I get home that evening, her gentle requests to be my plus-one have graduated to outright violent threats.

Celeste: No pressure, but if you don’t bring me, I will find you in a dark alley.

Me: Have you considered bribery?

“Abbey, that you, luv?” Lee calls from the kitchen as I kick off my shoes at the front door.

“Yes, dear.”

“Get in here. Now.”

The urgency in his voice is enough to make me sprint down the hall.

“What’s wrong?” I find Lee sitting at the counter with his laptop open and his sister on the screen.

“You have a decision to make,” he says, spinning on his stool to face me while clutching a cup of tea.

“Abbey, tell him he’s too late,” Celeste says on-screen. “You’ve already invited me to the ball.”

“Bollocks. I’m obviously her favorite.”

“Piss off,” she snaps back. “You’d spend the whole night in the coat closet with the valet. You can do that anywhere.”


I try slipping away. The two of them seem content to argue among themselves. But Lee grabs the strap of my bag before I can make an escape. He has a deceptively long reach, that one.

“You’re not getting away that easy, Abbey Bly.”

“How about you two decide and let me know?” I suggest.

The stairs above our heads rattle seconds before Jack stalks into the kitchen. He’s shirtless and has his earbuds in. And he doesn’t so much as blink in my direction as he goes to the fridge and gulps down a protein shake before grabbing a bottle of water. I might as well be furniture when he turns and leaves out the front door, without the slightest acknowledgement of my existence.

I don’t even get a chance to fumble over my words or smile awkwardly at the unresolved question of the kiss. He beats me to it with outright indifference.

Fuck, that’s irritating. How do you walk right past someone you live with and pretend there isn’t this enormous question mark hanging in the air?


Earlier, I’d briefly entertained the idea of inviting Jack or Nate to the ball. But seeing as how we don’t seem to be on speaking terms anymore, I guess Jack is out. And to be honest, it’s probably not Nate’s scene. I’m sure he’d rather throw himself off a bridge than be caught dead in a tux, schmoozing up royals and pretentious nobility. And I’m not sure Yvonne would appreciate it.

Besides, I wouldn’t put it past Lee or his sister to have either of them tied up and chained to a radiator in the basement to eliminate the competition.

“Come on, Abbey,” Celeste grumbles, her impatience plain hervoice. “If you bring my brother, he’ll ditch you the second you get there. You don’t want to be left alone all night, do you, luv?”

Lee mutes his sister. “Babe, it’s cute and all you two’ve become friends but plainly ridiculous not to invite your flatmate.”