Page 63 of Girl Abroad

Lee grabs my shoulders to press another dress to me as he appraises it in the mirror. “Get him to like you.”

“You know, it’s a little disheartening you think that requires so much underhanded calculation.”

“Please,” he scoffs. “I’m jealous. You’re lucky I don’t stuff you in a closet and go myself.”

“I don’t think it’s going to be all that enthralling, to be honest.”

“Are you mad?” Lee cocks his head at the next dress he holds up. “I’d claw eyes out to meet one of the infamous Tulleys in person. Ordinary people are so passé.”

I roll my eyes. “You’re such a snob.”

“And?” He scrutinizes two dresses, holding them out. Then he pushes them in my hands. “Either of these will do. All right. Off I go. I’ve got to put on my mask. This complexion doesn’t happen by accident.”

I’m grinning to myself as he leaves. Lee is nothing if not entertaining. I hear him exchange a few words with Jack out in the hall, followed by the bathroom door shutting and Jack’s heavy footsteps. I’m still considering my options between the dresses when Jack pokes his head in my room.

“Come to scold me again?” I ask mockingly.

He mocks me right back. “I don’t know. Have you been a bad girl again?”

Oh God.

Hot Jack shouldn’t be allowed to utter the wordsbad girl.

His gaze shifts to the two dresses I laid out on the bed. “The red one makes you look like a schoolteacher.”

“How do you know?”

“You wore it, like, two weeks ago.”

Did I? I don’t remember. “In a good way, or…”

“Not the sexy kind.” Jack invites himself in, his long stride eating up the space between us. The glassiness in his eyes and whiff of lager on his breath says he went out with the boys after his match.

Nearly every stitch of clothing I own has been tossed around my room, so I start putting things on hangers and folding the rest to place into drawers.

“How was the game?” I ask.

“We humiliated them. Their girlfriends will never be sexually attracted to them again.”

“Oh. Pity.”

Pushing fabric aside, he picks through the piles of clothes on my bed. “Got a date?”

“Jamie set up a meeting for me with Benjamin Tulley to ask him some questions for my research.”

“He’s good in a pinch, our Jamie. When’d that happen?”

“He texted me when Nate and I were in Surrey.”

“Right. Your private chauffeur Nate.”

“Stop making a thing out of it. I needed a lift and he offered.”


I grab a stack of shirts and shove them in my drawer. It’s my turn to avoid his gaze. “Is that a problem?”

I thought I’d kept my attraction to Nate well hidden for the most part. But if it’s become obvious to Jack, chances are others have noticed too.