Page 61 of Girl Abroad

We jerk apart as I pull my phone out to read the text.

Jamie: You’re meeting with Lord Benjamin Tulley tomorrow afternoon.

“Holy shit,” I blurt out.

That startles Nate. “What’s wrong?”

“No. Wow. I can’t believe he did it. Jamie got me a meeting with Lord Tulley for my research.”

“Ah. All right.” His hands slip into his pockets again. “Shall we go?”

He turns away to head back to his bike.

I stare after him, uncertain. Talk about whiplash. I’m not sure I understand what was about to happen before Jamie’s text, except that I’m nearly breathless when I type a reply.

Me: Thank you! I owe you.

How’d you manage that?

Jamie: You’re welcome, and yes, you do. He’s a lad from school. Several years ahead of me but we’ve met a few times. Friends of friends. Try not to embarrass me, darling.

He follows that with a winking emoji.

Bless that boy.

It’s good to have friends in high places. Particularly ones whose interruptions stop you—no, save you—from making the incredibly stupid mistake of kissing someone else’s boyfriend.


ASIHEAT UP DINNER LEFTOVERS LATER THAT EVENING, ITRY TOstave off nausea thinking about all the ways I could make an ass of myself in front of Lord Tulley. Adding to the queasiness is my anxiety over Nate as my mind keeps replaying the incident at the museum.

I think he was about to kiss me.

No. Iknowhe was.

And if he had, I think I would’ve kissed him back.

All right, fine. IknowI would’ve kissed him back.

Which is very, very concerning, because that’s not me. I’m not that girl. I don’t tread on other women’s territory, and I’m ashamed of myself for almost going there. At the same time, my clueless heart won’t stop skipping like a giddy schoolgirl every time I imagine Nate’s mouth on mine.

Speaking of mouths I want on mine, Jack walks into the kitchen. In a red hoodie and faded jeans, he stands beside me and just scowls. He’s clearly pissed about something yet refuses to voice it.

“Use your words,” I urge.

He ignores my teasing grin. “You went to Surrey today.”

“I did. I was checking out a museum my professor pointed me to.”

The microwave beeps. I open the door to pull out my plate of steaming pad Thai. We ordered it yesterday from another one ofLee’s hidden finds. I swear, that boy knows all the best restaurants in this city.

“You went with Nate?”

“Yeah. So?”

There’s a suspicious silence behind me.

“How’d he manage to fit you and Yvonne on that bike?”