Page 160 of Girl Abroad

“Okay. What about?”

Jack glances over at me. “How do you feel about coming to Sydney with me for spring break?”



“Sydney?” I echo dumbly.

Jack runs a hand through his hair, clearly nervous. “Yeah. I leave Friday at midnight from Gatwick. If you’d like to join me.”

I stare at him. “Why would I do that?”

“Ah, right. I haven’t asked for forgiveness yet.” His face is sheepish. “I fucked up the order.”

“What order?”

Resting his palms on his knees, he angles his body so he’s facing me. “The order I wanted to say things.”

Despite myself, I snort out a laugh.

“Let me start again?” he pleads.

I nod and gesture for him to continue.

“I know I’ve apologized over and over again, and I reckon you’re bloody sick of hearing the wordsI’mandsorryexit my mouth. But I need to say them again.” Sincerity shines on his face. “I should have told you about your dad’s emails. I should have come clean the moment we had breakfast together that first morning or at the very least the moment I realized how much I liked you. I’m never going to stop apologizing, not until you stop hating me for it.”

My heart lurches into my throat. “I don’t hate you.”

“You don’t?”

“Of course not. I could never hate you.”

A spark of hope lights his eyes. “Does that mean I’ve a chance at earning your forgiveness?”

He’s not a bad bloke.

Of course he wasn’t pretending. Everybody could see Jack was besotted with you.

I swallow, hesitating, as Celeste’s words poke at the back of my brain.

Rather than address his question, I pose one of my own. “Why do you want me to come to Sydney with you?”

He shifts, his elbow jolting mine. “Ah, well, the family’s been asking about you, and I thought maybe you’d like to meet them.”

“You talk about me to your family?”

He nods.

“Let me get this straight. You’re asking me to go home with you? To meet your mom?”

As in the momno other girlhas ever met?

The reminder sends my mind reeling.

“Why?” I push, because he’s yet to provide an adequate explanation for this unexpected offer.

The corners of his mouth tip upward. “See, I’ve been giving it some thought, and I think I figured out my problem.”