Page 154 of Girl Abroad

“And I promise to do that going forward. I promise to stop filling your head with all my stories and leave some space there for your own. Loosen the reins if you will.”

“Thank you.”

Silence falls between us, but I’m no longer stewing in anger or resentment. It’s not possible to stay angry with my dad. Because I know he means it when he says it’s coming from a good place. It would be one thing if his controlling nature stemmed from a need for power, to exert authority over his child like some toxic parents do. Dad’s protectiveness comes from love and fear. How can I really hold that against him?

“Can you forgive me for going behind your back?” he asks hopefully.

“Of course I can. I don’t love what you did, but I understandwhy. So we’re good. We’re okay.” I search his still-anxious gaze. “Arewe okay?”

“Baby girl.” He scoots closer and slings one arm around me. “We’re always okay. Yeah, I might be here right now because you wound up in the tabloids, but I don’t care about that. I’m just glad I get to spend time with my daughter. And gratified to know she’s happy and healthy and has good friends beside her. That’s all I want for you, Abbey. I’m not here to ruin your life.”

“I’d never think that.” My eyes suddenly feel hot, stinging. “I’m so fortunate to be your kid. It’s just you and me, big guy. No matter what.”

He pulls me into a hug as he sniffs away the tears. I blink away a couple of my own, squeezing him tight. I have a great dad. I really do. And I’ve probably spent way too much time not appreciating how good I’ve had it.

He releases me and offers a contrite look. “I should add—I’m sorry I dragged your roommate into all this. I hope you two can work things out. He seemed like a good dude.”

Just like that, I stiffen. “He acceptedpaymentfrom you. To be my friend.”

The reminder sends the burn of embarrassment to my throat.

“Before he even knew you,” Dad points out. “And for what it’s worth, he did try to return the money.”

“I don’t care,” I say emphatically. “He breached my trust. How am I supposed to forgive that?”

“You just forgave me…”

“Yeah, because you’re my father. He’s my— ” I stop abruptly.

Dad latches on to that. “I knew there had to be one,” he sighs.

“Jack and I aren’t dating.”

“Are you sure about that?”

“We’re not,” I insist.


“I thought maybe we were headed in that direction.” Hesitationhas me rubbing my temples. “But it’s complicated, because there’s someone else I like too.”

“Someone else? Are you trying to give me a heart attack? How many guys are you dating, kiddo?”

God, this is awkward. And also oddly cathartic.

“Only one other guy. Nate. A friend of theirs. He says he likes me but can’t be tied down. And he’s a bassist.”

Dad furrows his brow as if he’s unsure whether to be disappointed he didn’t raise me better or feel at fault that I’d be foolish enough to fall for a musician.

“Sounds like you have your hands full.”

“It’s been a struggle,” I say, laughing at myself. “But don’t worry, because it looks like it’s over with both of them.”

His eyes crinkle at the corners as a grin breaks free. “I don’t know how bad I actually feel about that. I mean, I know this sucks for you, but it sure makes my job easier.”

“The real sucky part is I might be in love with both of them.”

“You’re not.”