Page 151 of Girl Abroad

“Abbs,” Jack starts.

I silence him with a withering glare, then continue to scroll.

In his reply, [email protected] is quick to assure my father that it’s no problem, of course Jackie will look out for Mr. Bly’s little girl.

Someone kill me now, please.

I exhale slowly and force myself to keep reading. Jack jokes that Lee and Jamie don’t need the extra cash; they’ve already paid their rent in full for the year. Trust him, Dad’s money is wasted on those two.

Dad responds that he’d still like to show his gratitude for Jackie’s kind assistance. What’s Jackie’s PayPal address? He’s going to cover Jackie’s rent for the year. “Not taking no for an answer!”

Jackie, my kind, amazing roommate, doesn’t put up a fight. “Mr. Bly, this is beyond generous.”

In that same email, Jack tells Dad he has a rugby match that night and won’t be able to respond to any emails until the following day.

Dad’s response is so absurd that hysteria-laced laughter bubbles out of my mouth.

“For fuck’s sake,” I mutter to Jack before reading aloud. “‘Wow, it’s so impressive you play rugby! Such a rough sport. And female rugby players? They’re an especially tough breed.’” I stare at Jack in disbelief. “And in your reply, you just agree that female rugby players are hard-core!”

“I thought he meant in general. I didn’t realize he thoughtIwas the female rugby player,” Jack sighs.

Oh my God. These two dumbasses.

It would almost be funny if not for the fact that they were corresponding behind my back. Treating me like a child who needed help tying her shoelaces. Like a sheltered little girl who couldn’t be trusted to live her own life.

Anger ricochets through me as I remember Jack’s behavior in those early weeks. All those times I thought he was being sweet and protective. Worrying when I was out for hours in Surrey. Taking me driving because he didn’t trust Jamie to do it. Protecting me from his friend Sam and Nate and Ben Tulley.

He didn’t care aboutme. He only cared about giving my father his money’s worth.

The burn of betrayal sears my throat, throbbing with the lump of emotion already jammed in there.

“I can’t believe you took his money,” I choke out, and now I’m crying again, my cheeks soaked with tears. Iama child. A fucking fool.

“I didn’t know you,” he says, a desperate note creeping into his voice. “And I don’t come from wealth like the rest of you. I wasn’t kidding about Lee and Jamie paying their rent in full for the year. Meanwhile I’m taking my mother’s money when she can barely afford her own mortgage. I saw an easy opportunity and I took it.”

I blink rapidly, trying to control my overflowing emotions. “I don’t even blame you for that, Jack. You’re right—I come from a place of privilege. I don’t know what it’s like to barely make ends meet. What I blame you for is keeping it a secret from me. You could have told me.”

He hangs his head in shame. “I didn’t know how to. I knew you’d be livid.”

“No shit.”

“At the beginning, it didn’t feel like a big deal. I just kept an eye on you. Made sure you didn’t get too sloshed at the pub, you weren’t partying too hard, that sort of stuff.”

“So a babysitter.”

“No. Yes. Maybe at the beginning. But it didn’t take long to realize how bloody amazing you are. I liked you right away— ”

“Not as much as you liked my dad’s money,” I cut in bitterly.

“—and I justified it by reminding myself it’s what I’d do for any other mate. Just happened I was getting paid for it this time. But the more I got to know you, the more wrong it felt accepting money from your father.” Swallowing, he gestures to his phone. “Read the last email.”

“No. I’m done reading.”

He implores me with his eyes. “Please. It’s one email. I sent it after we went driving. The second time we kissed.”

I set my jaw. “Yes. I remember. You kissed me back and then pulled away, pretending you wanted to preserve our friendship— ”

“I wasn’t pretending.”