Page 142 of Girl Abroad

That stings a little. “Essentially, yes. Or if not now, is that stop coming up on this road?”

Nate lets out a sigh that never precedes a quick and decisive yes.

“I just got out of a relationship. And I’m sincerely sorry you’ve been dragged into the mess of it. But, Abbey, I can’t say right now what I want out of this. I’m not looking to jump right back into a commitment yet.”

Whatever disappointment he reads on my face, it prompts him to approach me, taking me by the waist.

“I’m enjoying our time together the way we are,” he says, his voice rough. “Why do we have to make these decisions right now? Summer will be here before we know it, and I don’t want to leave you with false promises before I hit the road. Can’t we feel it out? Let it happen organically?”

Under different circumstances, nothing he’s saying would be unreasonable. I mean, if we never met the right people at the wrong time, rom-coms wouldn’t exist. Nate’s not a bad guy for knowing himself and his own limitations.

But I also know mine.

“I’m sorry. No.” I step out of his grasp, hanging my head. “I like you. A lot. Honestly, it would only take a little nudge to make me fall for you,” I admit. “So yeah, I can’t let myself become any more attached to someone who might take off without warning one day and leave me behind. Not knowing when or if he’ll be back or if he’ll still want me.”

“Abbey— ” he tries to interject.

“I’m not built for that kind of uncertainty, Nate. My heart can’t take it.”

“So that’s it then? You’re done?” His expression becomes strained. Unhappy. “We’redone?”

I ignore the wild stinging behind my eyelids. “I think we have to be. I’m sorry.”

With a sad smile, I kiss him on the cheek and shake my head when he asks me to stay. I take one last look at his rugged exterior and intense dark eyes. Then I go to the door, pieces of me dropping like bread crumbs as I walk away from him.

It’s just past eleven when I walk through the front door, my heart bruised and battered, the unbearable weight of it making my feet drag. I didn’t think it would hurt so bad, saying goodbye to Nate. But at least now I have my answer.

It was never going anywhere.

Doomed from the start.

“Abbs? Is that you?”

I swallow a curse at the sound of Lee’s voice. Damn it. Why is he home? Why couldn’t he spend the night with Eric and give me a reprieve? After a morning from hell and a night of heartbreak, I want to be left alone.

But when I peer through the doorway, I find not only Lee but all three of my flatmates congregated in the living room, wearing matching grave expressions.

“I’m sorry, you guys, I can’t deal with a house meeting right now,” I say wearily. “This has been the longest day of my life.”

“Trust me, this is a critical chat.” Lee chews on his lip, appearing genuinely concerned.

Jack nods. “It’s not good, Abbs.”

“Don’t freak out,” Jamie warns.

“Are you kidding?” A sick feeling washes over me. “How can I not freak out? You all look like you just found out a meteor is headed for Earth. What the hell is going on now?”

Without a word, Lee places his phone in my hand.

I peer down at the screen and gasp at the headline.


Photos from last night assault my eyes as I keep scrolling. Me on the curb arguing with my flatmates. A disheveled Ben, his chest bare beneath his open shirt, lunging toward me. He looks like he crawled out of an opium den. I look rough myself. Flushed and agitated.

“Are you okay?” Jack says. Softly. Like he’s afraid the slightest tremor might set off an explosion.

The breach of my privacy is the least of my worries. I’m staring down much bigger problems now.