Page 140 of Girl Abroad

“Nonetheless. I am sorry.” Sophie rises from the sofa. “I should be off. Thank you for the tea, Abbey.”

“You’re welcome here any time. And I really appreciate that you stopped by.”

Once Sophie is gone and I’ve shut the front door, I turn around to find Lee standing right in front of me.

I jerk in surprise. “Jesus, where did you come from?”

“I’m a ninja.” Lee glares at me. “House meeting.”

I throw up my hand. “No. We’ll have to save it for tonight. I need to get ready for school.” When he opens his mouth to object, I hurry on. “Please. This has already been the busiest morning I’ve ever had, and it’s not even nine.”

“Fine. Tonight,” Lee mutters.

I brush past him and charge upstairs, closing my bedroom door behind me. I lean against it and take a breath. Trying to absorb everything that occurred in the span of forty frickin’ minutes.

At the memory of Yvonne’s ambush, I release a heavy breath and realize I should probably give Nate a heads-up about what went down. When I grab my phone from the desk, I find a couple missed texts from him, sent while I was chatting with Sophie. I ignore those and send my own.

Me: Yvonne came by.

He responds a few minutes later.

Nate: What for?

Me: A chat.

Nate: Dare I ask?

Me: She stopped just short of flipping the dining room table. After calling me a cow.

Nate: Whoa. I’m sorry. Wouldn’t have thought her capable of that.

Me: All good. I held my ground.

Nate: Sure you’re all right?

Me: I’m fine. And to answer your earlier questions, I’m fine after last night too. I should’ve listened to you about Ben. He ended up being a creep.

Nate: I’m glad you came to your senses, but I’m sorry it had to happen the way it did. That bloody prick, not letting you leave his flat. I’d like to pay him a visit.

Me: Don’t. It’s over. I don’t even want to think about that guy anymore.

Nate: I’m working tonight, but I’d like to see you. Come over around 10?

Me: Yeah. That sounds good. See you later xx

When I go downstairs, Lee and Jamie have already left for class, but Jack lingers at the front door. We eye each other for a moment. Then he holds out his arms without a word and I step into them.

He wraps those muscular arms around me in a tight hug. “Sorry I snapped at you in the kitchen.”

I hug him back. “It’s all right. Tensions were running high.”

“You okay?” he asks, his breath tickling my forehead as he presses a kiss atop it. “It’s been a bloody mad morning.”

“Tell me about it.” I tip my face up, and suddenly his lips are on mine.

“I was so fucking worried about you last night,” he says hoarsely.

I touch his cheek, giving it a reassuring stroke. “I know. And I never got the chance to thank you for coming to my rescue.”