Page 134 of Girl Abroad

“I don’t know what she’s told you, but she’s grossly exaggerated the situation.”

Ben’s gaze slides to mine as he watches me and Jamie cross the room toward the exit.

“That’s my flatmate there,” Jack says, looking more ferociously dangerous than he ever has on the rugby pitch. “If she says you even looked at her sideways, I reckon you and I will see each other again real soon. Count on that, mate.”

The circus titter from the corner like a pack of mischievous sideshow clowns who’ve set a trap for an unsuspecting audience member coming down the aisle. They’re all quite proud of their chaos.

“Come,” Jamie urges, tugging me along. “Let’s get out of here.”

Jack isn’t long behind us as we ride the elevator down.

In the lobby, security and the doorman eye us warily when what they should actually do is call the damn cops. But I imagine Ben pulls this shit so often they’re probably used to it. They watch us leave, Jack staring them down the whole way.

“Nice tenants you got here,” he calls darkly as we’re walking outside.

Once we’re on the sidewalk, I finally take a deep breath. The winter chill cools my lungs, and when I exhale, it’s a faint white cloud.

“Did I not?” Lee snaps at me. “Literally, did I not?”

“Leave her be,” Jamie says gently while typing something on his phone. “She doesn’t need us telling her what for. She knows.”

Jack’s still clenching his fists when he finally looks at me. “Are you all right?”

I give a quick nod. “Fine.”

“Car will be here in ten,” Jamie tells me, tucking his phone away. “Hired us a private service.”

Jack continues to scrutinize me. “You’re sure he didn’t hurt you?”

“He didn’t. And I’m sorry, okay? I was wrong. You guys were right. He’s a creep, and I didn’t see it.”

“What in the hell were you thinking?” Satisfied I haven’t been maimed or worse, Jack’s anger homes in on me. “You out of your bloody mind going in there alone?”

“Too right,” Lee drops in.

“Shut it, mate. You didn’t stop her.”

“I should have locked her in our bathroom then?” Lee shoots back.


“He never gave me any hint,” I say in my own defense. “I mean, he’d always been perfectly polite before.”

Jack snorts. “Of course he was. If his type were bastards from the off…”

“Abbey,” a familiar voice calls from behind me.

I turn, startled to see Nate jogging toward us up the sidewalk. He’s wearing jeans and a black hoodie beneath a leather jacket, his hair windblown and his expression awash with worry.

“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” I hear Jack mutter.

“I saw your message,” Nate says when he reaches our group. “What happened?”

“The fire’s out,” I assure him.

Although now I’m completely embarrassed by the ruckus I’ve caused, forcing everyone I know to come running to my rescue.

“Ben Tulley had her captive in his bathroom,” Lee informs him.