Page 128 of Girl Abroad

“Come on. You must give me something, darling.”

“Really— ”

“Don’t lie to me,” she insists. “Your cheeks are doing that pink glowy thing. Either you’re pregnant or…”

“Definitely not.”

“So explain yourself.”

It’s impossible to win a staring contest with Celeste. She’d sooner hold me at knifepoint in a crowded restaurant than let me change the subject, so I relent. If only because I could use the advice.

“I seem to have gotten myself stuck in a bit of a triangle,” I confess.

Her face lights up. “I love those.”

“Your brother won’t.”

“Oh God. Tell me it isn’t Jamie.”

“What? No. Jack.”

“Oh. Right, that makes sense.”

“It does?”

“Sure. We discussed this ages ago, remember? He’s so fit. If you weren’t living with him, I’d have set you two up.”

Her remark gets me wondering where Jack and I would be by now if we weren’t roommates. Would this be a relationship? Exclusive? Bring me home to Mum? From the guy who doesn’t do long-term commitments, it’s hard to picture that changing.

“I’m impressed by your stealth,” she says. “Lee is a bloodhound for those kinds of shenanigans. You two must be pretty clever for him not to have noticed.”

“Assuming he hasn’t.”

“Trust me. He wouldn’t keep it to himself.”

Fair point.

“So who’s the third point in this triangle? Have we been galivanting about the city with a certain Lord Tulley?”

I crack a smile. “Absolutely not.” Though the truth is harder to get out. “It’s, ah, Nate.”

Celeste rocks back in her chair. “Oh.”

Yeah, I expected that.

“He and I sort of hooked up. After he broke up with Yvonne,” I quickly qualify.

“She’s still in bits over him, you know.”

Guilt pricks at my gut. “Really?”

“I tried to get her out of her flat during the holidays, but she wasn’t having it. I think she’s been in the same pair of sweats every night for a month.”

“I had no idea she was so into him. Like am I crazy, because they never seemed…”

“That’s just how she is. Yvonne was mad about him. She’s devastated.”

Well, now I feel like shit.