Page 117 of Girl Abroad

Lee is aghast. “And have him lay eyes on the demon cat? He’ll take one look at him and know he’s not a show cat.”

“Is that why you never bring him over? You’re ashamed of our cat?”

“I, personally, loathe our cat,” Jamie says glumly.

Jack nods. “Don’t we all, mate.”

“I like him,” I argue.

And so begins probably the hundredth discussion we’ve had regarding Hugh. Although the orange demon truly has grown on me, I don’t know if this living arrangement is sustainable. Poor Jamie has even reduced his nightly conquests to biweekly romps due to Hugh scratching outside his door every time he’s trying to have sex.

Luckily, Hugh seems to have respect for the other sexy things happening in the flat. Jack has snuck into my bedroom almost every night this week, and Hugh hasn’t made a single sound, thank God.

Around eleven thirty, I get a text.

Jack: Is the coast clear?

Me: Yes, but stay where you are. I’m coming to you.

Tonight, I’m switching things up. I rise from the bed and try not to jostle Hugh, who slits one eye open, then goes back to sleep at the foot of my mattress. A minute later, I’m skulking like a thief in the night toward Jack’s room.

“Plot twist,” he whispers when I crawl into his bed after closing and locking the door. “To what do I owe this honor?”

“Hugh’s snoring.”

Laughing, Jack slides his fingers through my hair and tugs my head toward him so he can kiss me. The moment our lips touch, he makes a low, tortured sound.

“What’s wrong?” I whisper.

“I miss kissing you.”

“You’ve kissed me, like, a dozen times already today,” I remind him, biting my lip to keep from laughing.

“I know. I’m saying I miss kissing you when I’m not kissing you.”

“By that logic, you’d have to be kissing me twenty-four seven in order to never miss it.”

His warm breath tickles my lips. “Oh no, having your tongue in my mouth all day and night? The horror.”

Our mouths collide again, and I can’t deny he has a point—I much prefer it when his tongue is touching mine than when it’s not.

In no time at all, our kisses go from sweet and lazy to breathless and greedy. When Jack tries to slip his hand between my thighs, I swat him away.

“What, I’m not allowed to touch you?” He narrows his eyes in outrage.

“I’m on a lady hiatus,” I confess. “It started this morning.”

I expect to see disappointment on his face, but all he does is kiss me again. “All good. Gives me more time to impress you with my make-out skills.” His lips brush mine. “What do you think? Five gold stars or six?”

“Out of ten?”

“Out of five,” he growls.

“Oh, in that case…” I pretend to think it over, which earns me the nip of his teeth on the side of my throat. “So violent,” I chide. “Know what that means?”

He rolls onto his back, smiling. “What does that mean?” he prompts, playing along.

“It means you have to lie there and not make a single sound while I dispense your punishment.”