Page 115 of Girl Abroad

But I can’t be with both of them.


Come on, Abbey.

Okay, fine. I can’t have them both. Eventually I’ll need to make a choice.

The problem is I genuinely don’t know who I’d pick.


WITH ONLY A COUPLE WEEKS LEFT IN THE SEMESTER BEFOREholiday break, I’ve become a near permanent resident in the library. My Tulley research project isn’t due until the end of spring term, so that’s resting on the back burner for now, a fact that’s caused me to dodge various invitations to meet up with Ben Tulley, who’s apparently back from Ibiza. Between writing essays and studying for exams, I can’t squeeze a single extraneous distraction into my schedule. Well, except for Jack, who’s been proving to be the best kind of distraction.

At first, our hookups were this little secret we carried around the house, acknowledged in winks and lingering glances. But then, when we weren’t found out, we started to test the boundaries of what we could get away with. Sneaking off to make out while Lee and Jamie sit unaware in the next room. Stealing a kiss or two when no one else is home. Quietly fooling around in my room after everyone’s gone to bed.

We’re still treading well clear of that hard red line, never going past third base. Somehow, without speaking about it, we both seem to understand that actually having sex would irreparably change the dynamic. If we take that next step and it ends badly, there’d be no way we would both stay under the same roof. I know I couldn’t stand it.

And as much as I enjoy cavorting like bandits around the house, there’s still a persistent voice that tells me I need to figure out what I want. Sooner rather than later. Even though Jack knows about Nate, and Nate doesn’t want to be exclusive, it isn’t fair to anyone involved to try playing the neutral party between two guys. Least of all myself. I don’t have it in me to protect my heart, the longer I let myself entertain the possibilities with both Nate and Jack.

After the holidays. By then, I’ll have had time to clear my head and get some perspective.

AndthenI’ll decide.

“After the holidays,” I assure myself.

“And what shall be transpiring after the holidays?” comes Mr. Baxley’s crisp not-interested-but-totally-absolutely-interested voice.

I grin as the bespectacled man settles across from me at my study table.

This has become our routine, reluctant as he likes to appear. I come in at my usual time to my usual table, spread out my study materials, and send him a wave. For a few minutes, he grumpily ignores me. Then he eventually gets up for his tea break and strolls up to my table to glance at my work on his way back with a steaming mug. He’ll brusquely ask about my Tulley research (or some such thing as a pretext to start a conversation), and I will happily update him until it inevitably turns into a recitation of my recent love life dramas.

Despite the disinterest he portrays behind his flat expression and smudged glasses, he stands and listens. Sometimes sits. But he never walks away.

Once or twice, I’ve extracted a personal detail or two from the man, and I’ve learned that he’s single and lives alone. Well, not entirely alone. He had a cat who died last week, a detail I managed to pry out of him after noticing he’d looked particularly distressed.

“I’ll choose between Nate and Jack,” I clarify. “Just pick one anddate him.Onlyhim.” A groan lodges in my throat. “Who do you think I should pick?”

Mr. Baxley sips his tea. “I cannot provide that answer for you, Ms. Bly.”


He arches a brow. “Oh, I’ve no doubt in my mind as to which gentleman you will select.”

“Wait, really? You know who I’m going to choose?”

“Of course. It’s quite obvious.” His expression is mildly smug as he takes another sip.

“Oh my God. Tell me,” I order.

“Absolutely not. I feel a duty not to become involved in the love quarrels of university girls.”

My jaw falls open. “You traitor. I thought we were best friends. Oh, hey, I forgot—I promised you a picture of Hugh.”

I scroll through my photo album until I find a shot where our cat doesn’t look satanic and slide the phone across the table. Adjusting his glasses on the bridge of his nose, Mr. Baxley peers at the screen and nods in approval.

“Very handsome feline. That coat is marvelous.”

“It’s a pain in the ass is what it is. He sheds like crazy, which has Lee furiously vacuuming the house twice a day. I try to tell him it’s hopeless, but he’s determined to beat back the encroachment.”