No, no, no, no!This is not me. I don’t do this kinda shit. No packs, no mating. I have all the time in the world for that. My mom is the happiest woman I know, but her entire life is dedicated to her family. Her world revolves around her mates and daughters. I don’t want that. Well, one day, sure. Butnot now. Not yet. I love my freedom. Love being independent, single, living on my own. I don’t have to answer to anyone. I can take a solo trip or go on a girls’ night out without needing to check-in with anybody. I can pour all my energy into work if I want to. And if I feel the need for companionship, there’s always an available knot to fill a few lonely nights. Nothing more. Ever. I’m a planner. I have my whole life figured out. In five years, after ‘Wash. C.’ gets where we want it to be, then (and only then) I can start thinking about packs and pups. But not before!
Well, now all that seems easier said than done. Because I’m surrounded on all sides. Jin is standing behind me, still holding me. His body heat, the scent of him, the contact of his firm muscles, driving me nuts. The alpha, who looks like he’s maybe in his late thirties, is pressed to my front. His stormy gray eyes fucking devouring me. His smell making me dizzy. And the three other guys have closed in by my sides!
One of them has a beautiful coffee-and-cream complexion that puts him right after Jin on the list of things I want to lick from start to finish. He smells like summer. Like when you walk on sand so hot you hop on your bare feet, like an intoxicating ocean breeze. A blazing sun that instantly gets you drenched. His eyes are warm, almost tender. He looks at me like he’s seeing wonders, and that makes my heart squeeze. He’s very tall, but not as bulky as the older man or Jin. He’s all long limbs that I can just tell are pure, hard, sinewy muscle.
Next to him stands another gentle giant. He’s as tall and big as The Tiger. With long, loosely curled, sun-streaked brown hair. His eyes are a rich shade of caramel. And his full, pink mouth is framed by a delicious scruff. He, too, looks like he just saw an angel.Fuck. The smell of him. It’s soft, heartwarming. Like crackling firewood on a chilly night. He makes me want to be held in his muscular arms and snuggle into his broad chest.
Then there’s the last one of them… My head pivots to my left side like it’s being pulled by an invisible string. Tall, broad, muscular in a way that says he doesn’t work with his body like Jin or the other two buff guys, but still knows how to use it as a weapon. He’s of a similar built as my summer boy. And even though all the others are dressed casually, this guy is impeccably suited in a three-piece set, with a silk pocket square, Windsor knot and all. He’s pure GQ porn.
His gaze is hooded and languorous. Like a panther slowly prowling toward its prey. A neatly trimmed goatee adorns his gorgeous face. Deep brown skin, arrogantly arched brows and beautiful dreadlocks falling over impossibly broad shoulders. And his scent… God, his scent instantly gives me a micro-orgasm. My pussy flutters and contracts, and I let out a whimper, making his sculpted pink lips hook up on one side.
He smells of rainbows, endless blue skies, and the crackle of a magic spell whispered by a voodoo witch. He’s dangerous, lethal. But most of all, he’s the last nail in my coffin…
You know that tingly little feeling you get when you like someone? That is your common sense leaving your body.
“No,” I manage to push out. The word scratched from my throat.
I push on the chest of the man facing me and take a step toward the penthouse door, my legs barely able to carry me. A sharp sting rips through my chest, a fist closing inside my belly, like it’s twisting my insides. I let out a pained gasp, bending in agony. No, no, no, no, no! I don’t want this. But each thought of rejection sends another jolt of excruciating agony through my body. Fuck, not this. They cannot be my mates. Not hem, not now. Not this pack of fucking rich, semi-celebrities. I’m a simple girl, with a regular life. Don’t do this to me, Universe.
My eyelids are pressed closed and I can only feel the large hands lifting me off the ground and holding me close to a powerful chest. Rain, Thunder, Earthy scent. Jin. I reluctantlyhook a meek hand at the side of his neck, and at the contact of our skins, immediately feel the ache receding. I take a deep inhale and another soothing wave flows through my body. By the time we’re seated on the immense cream leather sectional couch, I’m putty in his arms.
“Better?” he rumbles at my temple.
My eyes peel open slowly, and I take in Jin’s handsome face. His smile is still mischievous, but there’s a hint of tenderness now.
I nod slowly. My mind and body slowly coming to an agreement. Fine, this is happening. My heat might be just starting early. Or maybe it’s one of those temporary bonds when an omega and a pack are just incredibly scent-compatible. An image of Fate raising a sardonic eyebrow at my desperate thoughts flashes through my brain. Fine, I won’t worry about the whys or hows for now. It’s obvious I can’t leave this place, or I should say these men, without going through excruciating pain. So I might as well try to relax and enjoy this insane experience.
‘Yeong-hon-eui jjag’,my other self. It’s funny how something you thought of as corny your whole life takes an entirely different meaning once it happens to you.
I really thought I fucking knew, uh? Thought I had life fucking figured out. Who I am. Where I’m standing. Which direction I’m going in. It’s fucking laughable.
I never believed in the old tales from my Korean culture, or the impossible concept of soulmate that Hollywood pushes down our throats t. Thought I knew it all, like the fucking cocky asshole I apparently am.
I shake my head, feeling my lips still pulled into a mocking smirk. Stupid fucking idiot. The woman I’m holding in my arms feels more precious than the entire universe. It’s not just her body calling to mine. I can fucking feel the thoughts coursing through her mind, the waves of emotions rolling inside her. She’s fucking mine. Ours. And I’m never letting go.
I crouch in front of the couch where Jin is sitting with our omega in his lap. My gut twisting with a mixture of envy and appeasement. I fucking need to be the one holding her close to my heart, but I’m also relieved to sense her pain is gone.
This man is my friend. My brother. Our pack formed itself naturally around Jin. The prodigy fighter who beat me in my last match, dethroning me from my position of long-reigning world champion. He was twenty-five, in his physical and technical prime. I was ten years older, ready to hand my gloves, and pissed at him, but also honored it took a warrior like Jin to end my undefeated strike.
The asshole barely let the dust settle. He followed me into the locker rooms right after our fight to ask if I would train him. I shook my head, laughing at his audacity. But the Tiger is fucking persistent. He already had a curated team. A doc, Rafael. An agent, Alonzo. And a sparring partner, Liam. All childhood best friends. All fucking talented. The best team I have ever met. How could I refuse? I saw the man’s potential. Fuck, I had the scars and my belt-less waist to prove he was the best. But we also knew. An instinctual connection coursed through our bodies the first time we found ourselves in a room altogether. Our eyes bounced from one to the other with clear understanding. Pack. And now we fucking found our mate.
I raise a large hand and cup the side of her gorgeous face. “Honey, Jin asked if you’re alright,” I tell her softly. Well, as soft as my gruff voice can come out.
She turns her gaze to me. I can tell she has to fight to pull away from Jin’s hold. But when our eyes meet, it’s like we’re the only ones in the world.Fuck!
She leans into my touch, brushing my rough palm with her full, soft lips. “I’m okay, baby.”
The lump that forms in my throat at her words makes it difficult to draw a single breath. Her gaze is tender, her words loving, the contact of her lips maddening.