Page 36 of Filthy Elite

I hear the hiss as he opens another beer. I listen for the cap rolling away, so I’ll know where to look for it, then add it to the tally of the caps already on the floor. I mentally recallwhere each one landed, going through them like a map of the library. One against the shelf. One against a chair leg. One over here, behind the desk. Two more in the aisle. Baron will see it as disobedience if I don’t find them all, so I keep going, repeating each one until I’ve counted them all.

“Where’s Harper?” Gideon demands.

“Mommy’s not here to hold your hand,” Duke taunts. “Guess you’ll have to put on your big boy pants and do this on your own.”

“He’s not on his own,” Cotton says, and I hear the slap as he claps Gideon on the back. “His boys are all here.”

“And he won’t be putting on any kind of pants,” DeShaun says. “He’ll be losing them.”

“She’ll be here in fifteen minutes, so hurry up and visit the Glory Hole,” Cotton says. “We’ve all been there now.”

“If we’re all here, she should be here,” Gideon says. “She’s a Swan too.”

“She’ll be here in time for dessert and cleanup,” Duke says. “Hope she likes cream pie.”

“I’m not doing that,” Gideon says. “Sorry.”

“I think you are,” Baron says. “We went easy on you last year because you were a freshman. You’re a sophomore now. Man up and do your duty to the Swans.”

“My duty to the Swans is loyalty,” Gideon says. “Not raping some girl you drugged.”

“She’s not drugged,” Duke says. “She’s wide awake and sober as a skunk. She wants you to fuck her because she’s a nympho. Isn’t that right, Glory Hole?”

“Uh huh.”

“See?” he says. “Now go fuck, little bro.”


“It’s not optional,” Baron snaps. “Do it.”

“I’m not doing it.”

I hear them scuffling, and then Gideon grunt. “Get your fucking hands off me.”

“Then do what you’re told.”

“Or what?” Gideon challenges.

“There is no ‘or’ here,” Baron says. “You’ll do it. Period.”

“Fuck you,” Gideon says. “I’m outta here.”

“I don’t think so,” Baron says. “You’re a Swan, you participate like a Swan.”

“Fine,” Gideon says. “Then I quit.”

“You’re going to walk out on the Swans for good?” DeShaun asks. “Over this?”

“Yeah. I am.”

“Just because you don’t want to fuck a girl?” Cotton asks incredulously. “Trust, it’s not a punishment.”

“Yeah, come on,” DeShaun says. “She’s a willing participant. And if you’re worried about it, you can use a condom.”

“Exactly,” Cottons says. “You don’t gotta raw dog her. I always bag it.”

“But she’s on birth control if you want to add some cream to the community pie,” Duke says. “Stir it around, mix us all together in there. Now that’s brotherhood.”