He swivelled towards her, his expression torn while his hungry gaze roamed her body. “You sure about this?”
Heck no. What if she was lousy in bed, frigid, like Jax said? What if she disappointed him? Or worse, what if they were cataclysmically brilliant together and she fell further for him?
She fiddled with the neckline of her top, surprised by the flicker of irrepressible desire in the glittering blue depths of his eyes. If this daggy old top turned him on, he really must like her. “Nothing in life is a surety. We’ve got tonight, let’s not waste it.”
His lips curved into a deliciously dangerous smile as he held a hand out to her. “Didn’t anyone ever warn you about sailors?”
Showing more bravado than she felt now the moment of truth had arrived, she placed her hand in his. “Yeah. Luckily, I gave up listening a long time ago.”
He tugged on her hand until she stood less than a foot away. “You’re one hell of a woman.” He traced a line along her jaw, tilting her chin upward. “And I intend to make this a night we’ll never forget.”
Her heart slammed against her ribs and her pulse tripped in anticipation. “Show me.”
Their gazes locked, the wild yearning in his sending a jolt of answering desire through her body. Her breasts tingled, her stomach went into free fall, and her knees quivered as he stepped away, his stare bold, assessing, as it raked her body, strongly seductive yet soft as a caress.
“Let me look at you.”
Her breath hitched as he tugged her top overhead and dispensed with her bra with a deft flick, his sure hands making light work of the side zip on her pants too.
“I feel naked,” she breathed on a sigh as his fingertips skated around her knickers—practical white cotton, unfortunately, considering being seduced by the man of her dreams was the last thing she’d expected today—toying with the elastic, excitement rippling through her.
“Almost naked.” His sizzling glance from beneath lowered lids sent her self-consciousness about her plain panties evaporating along with the last of her nerves.
Zac wanted her.Her.Not because of her comfy clothes or boring knickers or quick brain and she’d never felt so special. If she’d needed a confidence boost, the adoration in his eyes as he scanned her body was it.
The air whooshed out of her lungs as he kissed his way down her body, slow, soft kisses trailing a path to her abdomen and lower, where she throbbed with uncharacteristic fervor.
She’d never felt remotely like this, had barely registered much pleasure at all during sex with Jax, yet Zac’s lips, followed by his fingertips skating across her skin with finite precision, had her wanting to fist her hands in his hair and shove him where she burned the most.
“Yes…” Her pelvis bucked as he slipped one finger, another, under the elastic of her panties, caressing her folds, teasing her, pleasing her with a few simple strokes.
“May I?” He raised his head and she nodded, biting on her bottom lip to stop from crying out with the pleasure of it all.
With torturous patience he peeled her panties down, his hands stroking her legs all the way to her toes while easing her back onto the bed.
She squeezed her eyes shut at the sight of her lying open for him, naked, and tried to ignore the inevitable doubts that accompanied being this exposed.
She didn’t have a supermodel body or big breasts or long legs. Instead, she had a hint of cellulite on the tops of her thighs and breasts that wouldn’t win any wet T-shirt competitions. She’d always felt inadequate naked, had never felt sexy, and Jax had reinforced her insecurities.
“You’re beautiful.”
At that moment, with Zac’s hungry gaze traveling over her, drinking in every flawed detail before his reverent gaze locked on hers, she almost believed him.
Her breath caught as he grazed her clitoris, once, twice, and she almost came before he lowered his head again.
She tensed as his hot breath fanned her, her hand stilling him. “I’ve never done this before.”
His head snapped up, his shocked expression almost comical if she didn’t feel such a novice.
“What I mean is, I’ve had sex but—not this.”
She pointed at her nether regions, heat flushing her cheeks as a gratified glint turned his eyes electric blue.
“Then I’m proud to be your first.”
With the first sweep of his tongue, any lingering resistance evaporated.
With the second, she clenched her hands to stop from surging up and digging them into his shoulders to hold him down.