Page 37 of The CEO

Completely moronic, delusional, and crazy, but she’d been dreaming of her happily-ever-after for so long she’d somehow taken Zac’s genuine niceness and tangled him up in her fantasy.

She cast a sideways glance at his profile and sighed, her heart hoping for a minor miracle while her head shouted wake up and smell the sea air.

“What are you thinking?”

“Not much.”

“I can hear your mind ticking from here.”

“If you’re that perceptive you tell me.”

“I think you’re mulling over what I said back at the cove. Close?”

There he went again, being way too perceptive. “Don’t give up your day job, you’d make a lousy fortune teller.”

“Admit it. You’re overthinking again.”

“Nope. You told me not to say anything unless it was nice and I’m having a hard time coming up with something suitable.”

His chuckles warmed her better than the sun’s rays. “See, that’s why I like you, every prickly, cynical, blunt inch of you.”

“You like my bluntness, huh?” She sniggered. “I can’t help it if you’ve been spending too long in this tropical heat.”

He slowed the jeep and turned onto the dock. “You can hide behind that smart mouth of yours all you like but I’m going to get to know you better whether you like it or not.”


He killed the engine and turned toward her, his slow, sexy smile sending a shiver through her. “Yeah. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

Charming sailor boy she could handle, single-minded sailor boy with a determined glint in his too-blue eyes had her plans to hold him at bay sinking faster than the Titanic.

Hoping her voice didn’t quiver, she aimed for flippant. “I stand duly warned. Thanks for the tour.”

“My pleasure. Hope it lived up to your expectations.”

If she’d had any, he’d blown them clean out of the water with his shrewd observations back at the cove. She didn’t want to get involved with a guy like him. But what if it was too late?

“The tour was amazing. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. I better get this jeep back to Raj. See you at dinner?”

She nodded as she got out of the car, the thought of spending more time with him after the day they’d just had sending a tiny helix of joy interwoven with doubt spiralling through her.

He winked, and with a jaunty half salute drove away, leaving her head spinning and her stomach tossing with nerves at the many possible ways he could get to know her over the next few days.

* * *

Zac pulledup out the front of Raj’s and switched off the engine, wishing he could switch off his thoughts as easily.

Things were out of control. Or more to the point, things with Lana were out of control.

After lunch and his chat with Sujit, he’d been gung-ho, determined to explore the possibility of a relationship with her, despite the brevity of it. Then they’d talked at the cove and things had rushed downhill from there.

He’d known she was inexperienced but not dating? Hell, did that mean she was a virgin too? No way. She’d had that moronic ex—not that that meant much—and there was the way she’d responded to his kisses, the way she had a knowing gleam in her eyes at times. But what did that mean? That she had a bit of sass lurking beneath her prudent front?

He didn’t dally with virgins. In fact, he didn’t dally with women period considering it took all his concentration these days to perpetrate his plan.

But he wasn’t fooling around with Lana, had known it the instant she’d made her true opinion of him clear.