Page 32 of The CEO

Her measly ego inflated momentarily before she shot him a disapproving stare. “Oh yeah, I’m sure my designer wardrobe elevates me to babe status.”

He paused, as if searching for the right words. “Don’t take this the wrong way, but your wardrobe is a little—”


Her deprecating answer had him darting a worried a glance in her direction before refocusing on the road.

“I was thinking more along the lines of sedate for someone your age.”

“Which is?”

“Hell, I’m digging myself in deeper, aren’t I?”

She chuckled. “Quit while you’re behind.”

She liked her clothes. They may be old but they were safe, familiar, like snuggling under a favorite quilt on a cold winter’s day.

She’d tried a new wardrobe once before, a new look, going the whole way with risqué lingerie. But none of it had made any difference with Jax. He’d hurt her just the same, designer dresses or not. Much safer to stay true to herself, to find a man who wanted her for the real her, not because of how she looked or what she could do for him.

“I like what you’re wearing today. That blue brings out the green flecks in your eyes.”

“My weird eyes change color according to what I wear.”

“Not weird. I prefer alluring.”

She snorted. “You could bottle that charm and sell it.”

His bashful smile made her laugh.

“And I’m soalluringI have hundreds of men falling at my feet and it’s all because of my eyes.”

“You have one.”


“I’m a male in case you hadn’t noticed.”

She’d noticed all right, was noticing more by the minute despite attempts to the contrary.

Fortunately, she was saved from replying when he slowed the car and turned onto a narrow dirt track. The jeep bumped and lurched over the rough terrain, as thick foliage slapped against the doors.

Thankfully, the vegetation thinned quickly and he pulled over in a clearing that overlooked an inviting stretch of white sand with an aquamarine ocean that stretched as far as she could see.

“Wow, amazing.”

Zac’s blue-eyed gaze fixed on her, bold and challenging. “Sure is.”

He wasn’t looking at the view and she squirmed under his searing stare, before he held out his hand. “Come with me.”

She stared at his outstretched hand, wanting to take it, nervous he’d read too much into it.

He took the decision out of her hands by grabbing hers on the pretext of helping her from the car and she managed a tremulous smile, wondering if he had any idea what a big deal it was for her to hold hands with a gorgeous guy as they strolled toward a secluded beach.

Holding hands implied trust, implied dependence, implied she believed in him enough to lower her barriers; much more than responding to his impulsive kisses because of chemistry and the length of time since she’d last been kissed and the soul-deep yearning to be wanted by a guy.

As her feet sunk into the soft sand and he gripped her hand tighter, she knew her resistance to this charming man had slipped.

A loud caw captured her attention and she glanced to her right, at a huge bird perched on top of a towering cliff ending at the lagoon’s edge.