Page 13 of The CEO

“Which part? The persistent pain part or the part where I actually admitted you’re not too bad?”

“Take a guess.”

She smiled. Breathtaking. “I’m sure you’re well aware of your attributes, so anything I say isn’t going to surprise you too much.”

“My attributes, huh?” He flexed his biceps and squared his shoulders. “Nice to know you noticed.”

She rolled her eyes. “See? I knew it’d go to your head.”

He chuckled and closed the short distance between them, before ducking his head toward her neck. “What’s that perfume, by the way? It’s entrapment for any male that gets within five feet of you. Look at me; I’m putty in your hands at the moment.”

“It’sSex on the Beach. Stupid name, but it smells okay. I bought it today in a fit of madness.”

She stiffened imperceptibly at his nearness, meaning he should probably leave her alone.

But he couldn’t.

Not whenSex on the Beachtripped from her lips like a saucy invitation, not when the words conjured up all sorts of wicked images in his over-heated imagination, not when she smelled and looked divine under a star-studded sky just made for romance and frivolity and getting swept away in the moment.

“Sex on the beach, huh?”

Her small nod brought her ear within nibbling range and he gritted his teeth, straightening, removing a delectable neck and ear out of temptations way, only to be confronted by a flicker of awareness warring with indecision in her unwavering stare.

“I couldn’t resist it.”

“Like I can’t resist this.” He lowered his lips toward her and her eyelids fluttered shut, a faint pink staining her cheeks, as their mouths finally fused.

He half-expected her to push him away but instead, her tentative acceptance of his kiss surprised him, pleased him, considering her usual reticence for anything beyond the mildest flirtation.

He’d wanted to do this for days, yet the anticipation of her lips touching his didn’t compare to the reality.

As he rested his hands on her waist, spanning it, she combusted. There was no other description for her reaction as she wrapped her arms around him, tugging him closer, her hands frantic as they bunched his shirt, stroked his back, raking it while pushing against him, eager and spontaneous and incredibly responsive.

He deepened the kiss, demanding a compliance she was more than willing to give, her total abandonment firing his libido better than an aphrodisiac as she parted her lips, allowing his tongue to slide into her mouth where it wound around hers in an erotic, sensual dance he didn’t want to end.

He groaned, threading his hands through her silky soft hair, loose and cascading over her shoulders for once, angling her head for better access to the warm delights of her mouth, wanting more, wanting it all.

He shouldn’t be doing this. It defied logic, defied all reason, but her tongue touching his blasted every last shred of common sense out of his mind.

As her breasts pressed against his chest and her hands skimmed the waistband of his pants, sanity fled and he tore his mouth away, blazing a trail of hot, moist kisses down her throat.

Her head fell back, giving him full access to her neck and her deliciously delicate skin, so soft, so enticing, so tempting.

He couldn’t get enough. He cupped her butt, pulling her against his arousal, wishing their damn clothes would disappear along with her inhibitions.

Lana gasped, her eyes flying open as the enormity of what they were doing felled her like a ten tonne anchor.

What the hell was she thinking?

Tolerating Zac’s flirting was one thing, but this? This mind-blowing madness where she’d responded to him like a nympho?

The heat that had pooled in her belly crept upward, causing her neck to itch uncontrollably and her cheeks to light a beacon for the ship.

How could she have been so stupid? So wanton? So reckless?

She shoved her hair out of the way, dragged air into her lungs, and stepped away, desperate for physical distance, when a moment ago she’d been desperate for him.

His mouth kicked into a rueful smile. “I guess that perfume almost lived up to its name.”