Page 31 of The CEO

“You’re an old degenerate.” Zac settled the bill and shook his hand. “See you next time.”

“Maybe you’ll both visit on your honeymoon?”

Zac chuckled, amused by his friend’s one-track mind. Marriage again? Not for him.

As he caught sight of Lana casually leaning against the jeep, the wind whipping her hair away from her face while plastering the dress against her shapely body, all he could think was how much she intrigued him. He’d been attracted to her quick wit at the start, but now he wanted her so badly he ached.

But if they couldn’t indulge in a fling, what the hell should he do? Back off?

“Mr. Zac, I’ve never seen you like this.”

He tore his gaze away from Lana and refocused on Sujit. “Like what?”

“Distracted.” Sujit pointed to his forehead, and imitated a frown. “Very serious.”

That’s because Zac’s growing feelings for Lana were serious. Even the fact he was labelling what he felt for her as ‘feelings’ scared the hell out of him.

Sujit shook his head, his benevolent grin bordering on condescending. “I can see you’re making this more complicated than it is. You like this woman, yes?”

Zac nodded, his gaze inadvertently drawn to her again, crushing need swamping him, blind-siding him faster than a swinging mast.

“Well then, do not overanalyse. Do not worry about the future and what it may hold. Live for the moment. See where the winds of change take you.”

Zac stared at his friend as if seeing him for the first time, Sujit’s words echoing through his head.

Could it really be that simple?

Was he overanalysing, thinking too far ahead, projecting his fears from the past onto a possible future with a wonderful woman?

His conscience yelled a resounding ‘hell yeah’ and just like that, a mighty weight lifted from his shoulders and floated away into a cloudless Fijian sky.

“Thanks, my friend, you’re a genius.” He pumped Sujit’s hand, his attention firmly focused on the woman who’d captured his heart without trying.

Sujit’s grin widened as he placed his palms together and bowed. “I know. Now go.”

Zac didn’t need to be told twice, and as he headed for the car, refraining from breaking into a run, he knew the decision he’d just made had the potential to change his life. For the better.

* * *

Lana squintedinto the sunshine as she watched Zac stride toward the car. He’d been in a strange mood over lunch and the odd times she’d caught him staring at her it looked like he fancied her as dessert.

She’d had no idea how to handle the attention so she’d focused on her meal, steered the conversation onto factual topics, and muddled through the best she could. She hoped the vibe between them wasn’t as tension-fraught at the beach.

“Ready to go?”

“Sure,” she said, the false perkiness she injected into her voice garnering a curious glance from Zac.

As he drove along a winding coastal road and she took in the picturesque scenery, she replayed their lunch conversation in her head.

There was so much more to him than smooth words and a charming smile. He was well-travelled, articulate, and self-assured, with a verve that captured her interest and engaged her mind. It only added to his appeal and she’d be better off remembering most of what he said was designed to tease her.

She’d fallen for slick words before. These days, a guy’s actions would convince her to let him anywhere near her bruised heart.

“Wait until you check out this beach. I’ve seen a lot around the world, but I think this is better than some of the Caribbean beaches, not to mention Queensland’s hot spots.”

“I love any beach,” she said. “My apartment’s in Coogee so you can safely say I’m a bit of a beach babe.”

“Well, you’re right about one thing. You’re definitely a babe.”