Page 20 of The CEO

* * *

Lana madeit back to his office with a minute to spare.

“Come on in. I’ve got the forms for you.”


As she stepped into the office, he briefly touched her elbow, bending lower on the pretext of closing the door. “What, no perfume?”

Her gaze snapped to his, only to catch a fleeting glimpse of a cheeky grin before he turned away, her scowl wasted.

“Why don’t I take them away with me, fill them out, and drop them at the front desk when I’m done?”

She may be feeling braver after breezing through the class but there was something about him now, the way he looked at her, as if seeing her in a new light. While she should be happy, her inner introvert trembled at what he might do if he sensed the change in her.

He tapped the stack on his desk and beckoned her over. “Believe me, when you take a look at these you’ll be thanking me for filling them out here. I’ve helped employees through the rigmarole before, we’ll get it done in half the time.”

Okay, so he was being helpful. Then why did it feel like he was toying with her?

“Right, let’s get to work then.” She sat on the chair opposite his and drew the forms toward her.

He stilled her hand by placing his on top, setting her pulse racing as she stifled the urge to yank hers away. “Not much intimidates you, does it?”

She raised an eyebrow. If he had any idea how her heart thumped, her lungs seized, and her insides quaked at his simple touch, he’d withdraw that statement.

“I can usually handle stuff.”

Professionally, that is. Anything else and she was as poised as a toddler on ice-skates.

“Think you can handle me?”

His voice had dropped seductively low, the smouldering flame in his eyes warming her, warning her that she was in way over her head if she thought for one second a small boost in confidence could cope with Zac at his tempting best.

“I’m sure it wouldn’t be too hard.”

She almost bit her tongue in frustration, unwittingly adding to the wordplay as heat suffused her cheeks, wishing she had the spunk to toss her hair over her shoulder not duck her head like the blushing virgin she almost was.

His grin had tension strumming her taut muscles. “You’re very assured when you want to be.”

Using her brain to fend off his quick retorts, maybe. Easier than admitting she was lousy socially.

“Mainly when putting guys like you back in your place.”

He leaned forward, close enough to whisper in her ear. “Guys like me?”

Resisting the urge to jerk back from his proximity, she settled for a subtle slide of her hand out from under his instead.

“Overconfident. Smooth. Charming. Used to getting your own way.”

Rather than being offended, he laughed. “Guilty as charged.”

He leaned into her personal space again, crowding her, overwhelming her, confusing her. “So is it working?”


“My charm.”

“Not a bit.” She crossed her fingers behind her back for the little white lie. “Now, if there’s nothing else, let’s get these forms done so I can enjoy my vacation.”