Page 40 of Praise & Paperbacks

Gunnar laughed, rolling his eyes.

"When Luna and I inherited this shop, it felt like such a big undertaking," Colby continued. "But Mira makes everything easy. And last I heard, Luna was on a beach in Greece, so I suppose she's not stressed either. A lot of what you see today, the events, the displays, and especially the organization," he paused as everyone chuckled. "That was all Mira. While I was trapped in the coffee shop, running the espresso machine, she turned this shop into a place people come to from miles away. A place visitors remember, and a place where our community gathers. I love you for that, Mira."

Gunnar cleared his throat and Colby rolled his eyes.

"Fine, I suppose my nemesis needs to talk, too." Colby handed him the mic and stepped back, and I frowned at him, because Gunnar's speech wasn't part of the plan. He waved to my boyfriend and whispered, "Go."

When I turned, Gunnar was standing there, with the cute, grumpy expression he got when he was nervous. He stepped forward, eyes locked on mine, and the crowd hushed. "Mira." His voice was rough with emotion. "Mira, you crashed into my life and turned it upside-down. You saw beneath the surface to the man I could be, and you made me want to be that man. You're my anchor, my biggest cheerleader, my saucy little brat. And I love you."

He sank to one knee, pulling a ring box from his pocket, and the crowd gasped. "Marry me, Mira. Be my wife, my everything. Say you'll spend forever with me."

Joy and love swelled in my chest, and I launched myself at Gunnar. "Yes, yes, always yes."

The crowd erupted into cheers as Gunnar slid the ring onto my finger and kissed me soundly.

Today was the start of forever, and I didn't have a single regret about med school.

Well, maybe I regretted those damn student loans, but I was paying them off as quickly as possible.

I gazed up into Gunnar's eyes and smiled. "I love you."

"Aw, you guys are too cute!" Wanda slapped Gunnar on the shoulder. "Thanks for converting Harold's bike into a trike for Daisy. We're going for a ride! Want to come?"

Gunnar tugged me against his side. "Maybe later, Grandma. I'm glad you're enjoying it, though, Daisy."

Wanda turned to me. "You sure you're happy with your cafe racer, Mira?"

I grinned up at Gunnar. "I don't know, maybe you can convert my bike into a trike too?" His horrified expression made me laugh — he'd been slowly teaching me to ride and built me a sexy bike that suited my style for my birthday. It was zippy and fun along the curving cliffs of the Oregon Coast Highway, but for longer rides, I preferred to ride on the backseat of his big Harley, with my arms around his waist.

"You will not be converting that bike." Gunnar glared at all of us as we burst out laughing. "That's not even a funny joke, it's just mean."

"Well, we're out of here. I don't know how you two losers can stay inside on a beautiful day like this," Wanda said.

"Seriously! Trike life!" Daisy whooped as the two ladies rushed out of the shop. I smirked up at Gunnar.

"And to make our day even better, it's been at least six months since Wanda has been arrested."

Gunnar nodded sagely. "And we don't have to count the arrest for biking naked through the streets while singing 70s hippie anthems. It was a protest."

"Don't have to count it, or don't have to ever think of it again?" I asked.

"Both," my fiancé said, laughing and kissing my forehead. And I smiled, knowing that I was safe in his arms, always.