He was telling her he hadn’t forgotten.


The Fragile Ordinary

The sun was out, flooding Sandford with a little bit of warmth against the spring chill. Only thirty minutes ago, it’d been raining and Ari had been standing under a tree, hiding in the Cloak, attempting to catch a glimpse of Derek Johnson through the windows of his home.

Five minutes after the sun came out and only minutes before Ari was about to give up, the back door opened. Two little boys, about seven and nine, ran into the backyard with a soccer ball.

They were wearing worn jeans and T-shirts and immediately set themselves up, one in goal, one with the ball.

“Make sure the grass isn’t too wet.

They’ll ruin it,” a female voice called from inside.

“They ruin it, they ruin it. What else is it for?” the familiar voice of Derek Johnson answered back seconds before he appeared in the doorway. He’d been frowning but as soon as his eyes took in his two kids, he grinned. “You letting Teddy be goalie this time, Jake?

What’s the world coming to?”

“I’m feeling nice,” the older boy answered with a shrug. Derek chuckled.

Ari hadn’t expected to feel so much at his appearance. Theirs had been an exceptionally complicated relationship, disjointed, broken, loving but careless. Derek’s less-than-brilliant parenting strategy had messed with Ari’s head. She’d been a lonely teenager, somewhat unloved, though in desperate need of it. She’d made some crappy decisions based on that desperate need.

For the longest time, Ari had tried to work out how she felt about Derek. Sometimes she thought she resented him; other times she was grateful.

Now, despite the ache in her chest, Ari guessed she was just happy he wasn’t alone. He had a family, he had kids, and she hoped to God he loved them more than he’d ever loved her.

With a sigh, she tread carefully away from the backyard until she had some privacy at the side of the house.

Letting the flames of the Peripatos surround her, she took off, next stepping into the Cloak in the Creaghs’ front yard.

Ari blinked in surprise at the sight of Charlie making out with a brunette on his porch swing. She felt a flicker of residual jealousy that came from days and feelings much older than they really were. However, that flicker quickly disappeared, and Ari stepped toward the house in curiosity. The couple stopped kissing and the girl pulled back to smile somewhat shyly at Charlie. Ari didn’t recognize her but she was pretty in a fresh-faced innocent way. Ari approved.

“I’m really glad your mom likes me, Charlie, but I think she might have an issue with us making out on her porch.”

The girl bit her lip in a small smile. “Maybe we should stop.”

Charlie grinned and brushed her hair off her face. “Babe, I’m pretty sure my mom knows we make out.”

The girl laughed and snuggled closer to him. “Do you have to work tomorrow? Couldn’t we sneak off for a picnic or something?”

“Unfortunately, I put my name down for overtime. But I’ll make it up to you. Promise.”

Ari smiled softly, moving slowly away. It had been four months since she’d said goodbye to Charlie and she’d promised herself that she would stay away. However, the feeling of protectiveness wasn’t going away any time soon. She needed to know he was okay.

Apparently, he was more than okay.

She recognized that look in Charlie Creagh’s eyes. He was falling in love with his shy brunette.

Even though he couldn’t see her, Ari blew Charlie a kiss. She turned and strolled down his familiar street. It was Saturday and the sun was now shining. Folks were out in their yards, pulling up to their houses with the weekly shopping. Ordinary sounds, sounds of life—laughter, conversation, and the sounds of dogs communicating filled the street. A beautiful, untouched ordinary. And it was now Ari’s job to make sure it stayed that way. She hunted, she killed, and she captured, just as she’d done in helping the Aissawa Brotherhood exorcise and trap Beau/Nick/Stalker in the Secretum some weeks back. Getting Beau back to his life after he’d missed months of it was harder because … well, they didn’t have time to help him assimilate. They pretty much dropped him off, back to his real life, to let his family deal with the memory loss. It sucked. But it would have sucked more if he’d been possessed for the rest of his life.

With a quick glance around, Ari turned down a path to a shadowed walkway between houses and used the Peripatos to take her home.

She appeared in the kitchen, not even causing a flinch of surprise from Trey or Glass. This was a Jinn world, after all. Flames and people appearing here and there was nothing out of the ordinary.

“Hey, guys,” she said as she grabbed a soda from the fridge.

“Hey, Ari,” Trey replied. Glass gave her a chin lift in answer.

The two of them were sitting at the breakfast table, obviously deep in conversation about something.

“I think they’re ripping you off,” Glass said.

Trey sighed. “It’s a standard rate.”

It occurred to her they were probably discussing the gallery commission for Trey’s paintings. He had an upcoming show, and he and Glass seemed to be having this conversation a lot lately.

“We can do better.”

“Glass …”

Ari left them to it and wandered up the stairs where she sensed Jai. She found him in his room. He was sitting on a lounger reading. Leaning against the doorframe, she drank him in for a moment, feeling very lucky that she got to return home to him. Sensing her gaze, he laid his book aside and glanced up at her.

“Did you check in on them?”

Ari nodded. “They’re both doing fine.”

She smirked. “Charlie has a girlfriend. It looks serious.”

Jai frowned. “How do you feel about that?”

She shrugged and sauntered casually toward him, placing her soda on top of his bookshelf to free her hands. Jai watched her with hooded eyes as she moved his book, careful to not lose his spot. With a smile, she placed a knee on either side of his hips and settled on his lap. Her hands drifted over his chest until they rested near his heart.

Jai’s hands moved up her thighs to rest on her hips.

“I feel happy. Relaxed. It’s been four months since Lilif, and three since we had to deal with anything major.

It’s been nice. And it’s wonderful to know Charlie is happy too.”

Jai’s right hand drifted across her lower belly, making her shiver. “I hate to spoil how relaxed you’re feeling, baby, but Michael called while you were out.” Ari tensed and Jai felt it, his eyes lifting from his hands to her face. “It’s nothing bad. We have a new assignment.”

She sighed and leaned her forehead against his. “Assassins are us.”

He squeezed her waist. “We don’t have to keep doing this if you’re unhappy with it.”

Ari leaned back in surprise. “You know that’s not it. I like keeping people safe. It has a price, but it’s worth it. I’m just sighing because vacation is over.”

He nodded and leaned forward to kiss her gently. “Vacation is over.”


A Star’s Light Dims When It’s Split in Two

“So we’re getting a break, right?” Ari teased Michael as they settled around the Roes’ dining table. “I mean, Jai, Trey, and I have dealt with two Ghulahs and a Qarin, one after the other. That means a break, right?”

Michael shrugged. “I could start alternating you so you don’t go out as a team of three and two, but individually.

That way you’d each get a break.”

Ari wrinkled her nose. “But not together.”

“There’s no rest for the wicked, I’m afraid.”

Fallon sighed. “Quick, Mom, give Dad some food, he’s starting to speak in cliché.”

Caroline chuckled and brought out a large tray of roast potatoes. She placed them next to the chicken and everyone settled in, plenty of food on their plates. Jai spoke to Micha

el about the possibility of setting up language classes for the rest of the Guild since his lessons with Ari had gone fairly well; Caroline and Trey discussed the latest sale of one of Trey’s paintings.

That left Ari and Fallon with Ari’s nosy curiosity over a rumor she’d heard. “So spill,” she murmured, tilting her head toward Fallon.

Fallon frowned. “About what?” she asked quietly.

“About a visitor Michael had and his interest in you.”

Fallon rolled her eyes. She knew exactly what Ari was talking about. Two weeks ago the young leader of a neighboring Guild—the McEttricks—paid Michael a courtesy visit. He’d just taken over the Guild after the passing of his uncle. And young Eli McEttrick was easy on the eyes.