Page 4 of Their Virgin Prize

We’re good for it.

“Yeah, I won’t let her end up in the wrong hands. Some of these guys play rough. Rougher than us, even. She’s not ready for that.” Briggs drops his voice to a bass rumble.

I consider the set of three members one row in front of us and their knife-play kink. Or several of the sadists scattered around the club. No shame in enjoying whatever you like with consenting adults, but there’s no way this girl could give permission for something she doesn’t yet understand.

“She’s got everyone’s attention. Look at her.” Grant hasn’t blinked once since she was ushered into the spotlight. “She’s fucking gorgeous. Young and untested, but…wild. There’s fire in those eyes. I can see it burning from here.”

“No one else will touch her.” Briggs folds his arms over his chest, risking the destruction of his poor shirt buttons when his pecs bulge.

“She’s not the sort of woman to put herself out there like this, is she?” I glare over my shoulder at Gunner, who’s leaning against the bar behind us, grinning. “Where’d you find her, and what did you do to convince her to get on that stage?”

He shrugs. “Seemed like she needs the money pretty bad. I didn’t ask what for. I’m not a life coach, I’m a sex club owner. I don’t care if it’s for a Ferrari or a college degree. Maybe a house. She’s from a—hmm—sketchy neighborhood, shall we say.”

“You bastard. You knew how much she was going to bring in and you took advantage of her.” My hand balls into a fist against my leg.

The club owner only laughs. “Damn straight. I compensated her fairly, but yeah. I saw a hell of an opportunity, and I took it. If you don’t like the idea of someone else plowing that fresh pussy, you better break out your wallets, gentlemen. I’m a businessman, same as you three.”

“Well, I’m making it our business to get her out of this mess.” Grant turns to me and Briggs. “Are we on the same page?”

Briggs glowers at Gunner. “Yup.”

“She was meant for us.” I have more in common with a savage than a gentleman at the moment, and I’m not the only one. I wouldn’t be surprised if a brawl broke out for the right to claim Clover. If it did, we’d still win with Briggs on our team.

“Sometimes you’re even smarter than I give you credit for, Wes.” Grant knocks his shoulder into mine, shoving me into Briggs. “This is the best idea you’ve ever had.”

Before we can congratulate ourselves, the auctioneer draws our attention back to the spectacle in front of us and the woman waiting for us to own her, even if she doesn’t know it yet.“Members, who’s going to start us out? The opening bid tonight will be five hundred thousand dollars.”

Clover gasps, her shaded eyes widening impossibly as she whips her gaze toward the auctioneer. She has no idea of her worth.

I swear to myself right then, we’ll enlighten her.

Grant gets it, though. He’s already rising. He puts his fist in the air, curled around his bidding paddle, and calmly offers, “Five million.”

Clover bursts into laughter. Until she realizes the rest of the room is silent.

This is no joke.

Then her stare wings to Gunner, who nods subtly. She slaps one hand to her chest as if to keep her heart from flying out of it, and her pale skin blanches further.

Men around the room shift, and mutters break out. Most of them are wise enough to realize that once Grant, Briggs, and I have our minds set on something, there’s no sense in wasting their energy competing with us.

Except for that one lecherous fool, who raises his paddle and calls, “Six million.”

Grant hasn’t lowered his, and won’t. “Ten. I can do this all night, but there are other activities I’d rather partake in instead.”

It’s a lot of money, but Gunner knows it’s nothing to us. So does the rest of the assembly.

Briggs swings hisI-dare-youscowl around the room, warning the rest of the attendees it’s futile to resist when we’re determined to have Clover.

Grant leans across me and punches Briggs’s shoulder with a loose fist. “We told you it was a good idea to come tonight.”

“Why the fuck do you two always have to be right?” He groans, knowing he’s never going to hear the end of it.

“Quit dicking around and seal the deal, Grant. You’re the closer. This is your job.” I refuse to miss out on this opportunity.

My gaze is locked on Clover’s. Damn, even her name is stunning.

Does she understand she’s already ours?