Page 23 of Their Virgin Prize

Poor kid is so sick he can’t tell they’re coming from inside him.

We’re going to do what we can to help him.

“Grant, you and Wesley take him to the car.” For once they don’t mouth off and instead do as they’re told.

Clover watches them go, staying close by my side as we rehearsed.

I’ll be sure to reward her for that later.

Grant and Wesley lever River off the ground. They each sling an arm around his back and half-carry him toward our vehicle. As they pass me, I release Clover. “Go with them. I’ll be right there.”

She squeezes my hand, sending a thrill through my chest, before she darts to her brother and whispers reassurance along with a streak of questions, trying to figure out if he’s alright. That’s not something I can spare attention for at the moment. My work here isn’t quite done yet.

Once my family is ensconced in the car—which might look like an unassuming sedan but is built like a tank with all sorts of security features, including bulletproof glass—I turn back as if I just remembered the point I’ve been stewing over for hours. “One more thing…”

“You’re awfully demanding.” The drug lord crosses his arms.

I draw my gun from my holster and point it around the unofficial army. “Which one of you bastards kidnapped my Clover and dared to leave your handprints on her?”

Unwilling to take my heat, a couple of the assholes shove one man forward. The boss flicks a finger in that direction. “It was him.”

I approach the fuckface who took our girl. Scared her and bruised her.

Before he can see it coming, I deck him with my free hand, knocking him flat on his dumb ass then kick him in the gut. I spit on him as he writhes and curses on the ground. “That’s for hurting her. If anyone ever dares to lay so much as a finger on her again, you won’t see my bullets coming. Do you understand?”

The drug lord clears his throat before croaking out a grunt of comprehension and, if I’m not mistaken, his respect.

Ignoring my bleeding knuckles, I stride to everything important in the world waiting inside the car for me and slide behind the wheel. I don’t peel out of the driveway but turn around under that overhang right in front of the crowd then roll through the open gate calmly, whistling along to the pop songplaying low on the radio as I motor away at precisely the speed limit.

“You’re fucking insane, you know that?” Grant laughs as he hands me one of his monogrammed handkerchiefs for my hand.


“And we love you for it.” Wesley shakes his head.

“Call the bastard and give him the PIN,” I instruct Wesley.

They may have no honor, but we do, and I intend for this to end here. Right now.

“Where are we going?” Clover tears her attention from River just long enough to ask from the backseat. “The hospital is?—”

“Way ahead of you,” Grant answers as Wesley is tapping on his phone. “There’s a doctor waiting for us at the hangar. He’s agreed to fly with your brother and stay on as his personal physician. At least until he’s stable after detox and comfortable with the transition to the country’s top rehab facility.”

River shudders. Sweat pours down his face, which is a horrible shade of gray-green.

“You’re going to be okay.” Clover clasps his hand. “You can do this.”

“I have to. I fucked up. So bad.” He groans. “I’m sorry, Clover. For putting you in this position. You should have let me die.”

“Never. I love you, River.” She hugs him gently to avoid causing him any more discomfort. “You’re ill. You’re going to get better, and then we can have important conversations. But until then, just remember I’m here for you, and I always will be. You’re going to beat this. And I’ll be waiting on the other side.”

When we roll up to the airfield, our jet is fueled and waiting. River peeks at us then turns to his sister. “Who the hell are these guys, and what are they to you that they’re willing to help us?”

“I’ll let you know when I figure that out.” Clover’s forehead wrinkles adorably.

Grant answers before I can even begin to formulate a response that will reassure her. “We’re her future.”

River still doesn’t seem convinced. He pulls himself together enough to study us then Clover before he asks, “Are youpositiveyou’re safe with them?”