Page 11 of Their Virgin Prize

Wesley nips my earlobe and presses tighter to me. He stills my motions and draws my focus to him. “Let Grant in, and he’ll help you feel so much better.”

This is it. The moment they paid for and the one I’ve been dreading since I decided to call the number on Gunner’s flyer. Yet suddenly, I can’t wait an instant longer.

My back arches, and I present myself to the three men surrounding me.

“Such a good girl.” Wesley rewards me with a caress on my neck. He chuckles when he realizes how much I like it, then replaces his hand with his mouth. Just like Briggs did to my pussy, he sucks, the pressure likely to leave a mark. Their visible claim, which will last beyond this single evening.

Help me.

Briggs grunts and shoves his massive cock against my hip. There’s no mistaking how much he’s into this too.

Wesley surprises me when he reaches between my legs. Instead of touching me, he fists Grant’s cock and tugs to position his friend at my entrance. “It’s time, Grant. Get in there. Make our little Miss Clover a woman.”

“Did you hear that, folks?” The auctioneer groans along with several of the men in the crowd. “Prepare yourselves. This is the moment we’ve all been waiting for.”

I moan. What am I doing? How can I be enjoying this?

“Ignore them.” Wesley bites my neck. “We’re all that matters to you right now.”

I jerk, accidentally embedding the tip of Grant’s cock in my pussy.

My wide-eyed stare locks on his as we’re joined the barest bit.

With a curse, he puts one hand on Wesley’s shoulder and the other on Briggs’s, using his partners to support himself instead of crushing me as he clenches his ass, flexes his hips, and begins to drill deeper.

“Oh!” I cry out, my hands clawing him as my heels drum against Wesley’s and Briggs’s thighs. “He’s so…big.”

Chuckles and less-amused, more-aroused curses surround us along with grunts and hushed whispers of awe. How many people get to share a moment this special with those who appreciate it?

Maybe I’m luckier than I realized.

“Does it hurt?” Briggs asks as he comforts me, stroking my hair, my shoulder, and my breast before rubbing gentle circles on my mound.

“Some.” I try not to wince because, despite the pain, I don’t want it to stop.

“Slow, Grant.” Briggs doesn’t blink as he monitors the situation. “Pull out a bit before you feed her more.”

Grant does as instructed, his jaw clenched and words beyond him as he strains to keep from plunging balls-deep in a single stroke.

They have me held down with no way to escape, not that I would run now.

Not when Grant is impaling me, stretching me, blowing my mind.

He’s so hot and heavy. Resistance and pressure are building, compressing everything at my core, driving me toward the place Briggs introduced me to just minutes ago.

Wonder floods me. Is this what I’ve been missing?

I should have done this sooner, but I know, even deeper within me than Grant can reach, that it wouldn’t have been like this with anyone else. It feels like I was made for these men. Spent my entire life moving toward this moment.

The crowd must think so too. There are shouts and cries of encouragement. Some that give me the impression more than a few onlookers have made messes of their pants at Grant’s first intrusion.

Rather than dousing whatever they’re kindling in my spirit, that knowledge fans it.

I’ve never had this much power before in my life. For someone like me, to have even a shred of control over an entire room of rich and influential men is as new as fucking one.

And I could easily get drunk on it.

Grant roars and sinks deeper, inch by inch.