Page 1 of Their Virgin Prize



“You’re not getting cold feet, are you, Clover?”

“It’s not my feet that are the problem.” I cross my legs and clench my trembling hands over the knee that lands on top, locking my thighs together as if that will prevent what’s about to happen. Instead, it only makes it harder to ignore the breeze washing over my shoulders. They’re bared by cutouts on the sleeves of my slinky dress. Gunner Blackwood had his driver deliver the outfit, including a set of wicked midnight heels with red soles, when he picked me up earlier.

My neighbors probably assumed the guy made one hell of a wrong turn when his posh limo bounced down the rutted red dirt of our trailer park’s main drag. It hadn’t been a mistake, though. Gunner knew as well as I did that I might have chickened out if he hadn’t had one of his high-class henchmen deliver me directly to the discreet doorstep of this swanky lair.

Rubbing my thumb over the fine black material that stops short of my knees helps soothe me some. I’m sure it cost more than all the Goodwill finds in my dresser. At least that’s what I call the stacked cardboard boxes tipped onto their sides. I covered them in previously crumpled wrapping paper I salvaged from the dumpster the day after Christmas one year. Hell, thedress even had tags on it that didn’t seem like knock-off labeling to me. I’ve never owned something brand-new before, never mind designer.

Gunner’s chuckle shakes me from my racing thoughts. It isn’t sinister, but it’s weighty. For a wealthy proprietor, he has at least a modicum of honor. If I hadn’t gotten that vibe from him, there’s no way I could have even considered going through with this insanity.

“Some lucky bastards from my club are going to warm you up, sweetheart, don’t worry about that.” He twirls a gold pen over his substantial knuckles as he studies me. I don’t know why I care what he sees, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t. I sit up, pretending to be as ritzy as my surroundings. It’s a stretch. Gunner nods. “There’s a lot riding on tonight’s performance, Clover. I know we went over everything on the phone, but so there are absolutely no miscommunications, you understand you won’t have a choice in who takes your virginity? We’re going to auction it off.”

“Yeah.” The galloping of my heart and the ringing in my ears make him seem like he’s talking to me from the end of a long hall instead of the other side of a polished desk in a plush back office attached to one of the city’s most infamous pleasure dens. Lacquered wood gleams all around us despite the moody lighting.

I’ve only heard whispers of the things that go on here, but the flyer that swirled on the wind like a paper airplane and crash-landed with a flutter at my feet a little more than a week ago was an advertisement in search of a woman willing to sell her virginity to a group of men. Plus allow them to livestream the event. That seemed perfectly in alignment with the rumors I’ve caught.

I guess when you’re rich, you can buy pretty much anything that turns you on.

Gunner clears his throat, drawing my attention once more. “Our members are tested regularly, as you were before tonight. They don’t use condoms and won’t with you since the doctor’s report says the IUD procedure was successful.”

“It was.” My response is half whisper and half croak. So much for sophisticated. I suspect that’s not what Gunner’s customers really want anyway. Otherwise, why would they have fished me from the gutter when they could have any number of socialites instead?

“Take a few deep breaths. Think of this as an adventure, if you can.”

I snort, shattering any illusions about my class. I’m not doing this for shits and giggles or to be rebellious. My life is firmly rooted in reality, not fairytales. “Most people have a crappy first time. I might as well get something out of mine, right?”

And bysomething, I mean an enormous wad of cash.

“You’re going to be compensated, of course, but I’m willing to bet you’ll enjoy parts of this too. You should try to anyway. The viewers on the livestream will appreciate that more. Remember, every penny of their tips will be added to your take for the night.”

“But you’re still going to pay me the guaranteed base fee in advance, like you said?” I bite the inside of my cheek to keep from seeming desperate, but the truth is…I am. My virginity is the only thing I have of value, and a Scrooge-McDuck-sized pile of gold is my only hope for saving my brother.

I can’t think of that now, though, or I’ll lose it completely.

I need—no,weneed—this deal to go through.

“I’ll transfer the money to the bank account we set up for you as soon as you sign the final consent forms. You can verify the deposit before you go onstage.” Gunner slides a stack of papers across the desk and turns them around to face me.

I scan them, past legalese likebinding,indemnity, andremuneration. That last one’s got a dollar sign, a number, and ahalf dozen zeros following it. The tip of my finger runs across the massive amount. It doesn’t wipe away.

“Some people would say this makes me a whore, you know?” My croak is accompanied by my eyes slamming closed. I imagine my brother’s face and the desperation that strained his voice when he begged me to help him. If I don’t do this, I’ll never see him again.

“Well, I say it makes you resourceful. And brave.” Gunner flashes me a devilish grin. “If the guys wouldn’t cry foul, I’d be tempted to try to win you for myself.”

I swallow hard then try to shake off the icicle of fear that spikes down my spine, inspiring shivers.

It’s just one evening of sex.It’s just one evening of sex.It’s just one evening of sex.

Boys have been trying to get me to spread my legs for them for free, or force them open, since I was twelve. It’s about time I make a smart decision and use what very little I have to my advantage. Maybe this is the first step on the road to a better life for my brother and me.

If I do this, we’ll have a chance to break the cycle.

“Clover, are you in or out? I have an alternate, just in case, but she’s not going to be nearly as popular as you are. I have a feeling you’re perfect for one of our trios. Just their type. Still…we have options.” The lines etched into Gunner’s brow intensify.

He’s about to replace me? Screw that.