“Oh, I thought it was owned by a woman. That’s what the rental company I was emailing said.”
“They probably meant Mina. She’s amazing. You’ll love her when you meet her.”
The smile he gets on his face talking about this woman sends a pang through my chest and I have no idea why.
“Will I see you around?” I ask at the door as we walk out.
“Yeah, I’ll be around. I left my number as well as Mina’s on the fridge in case you need anything.” He turns at the top step and I almost run into his back but he reaches out to steady me. “It was really great to see you again, Andi.”
“You too, Gage.”I whisper, looking up at him before he pulls me in for a tight hug. “Don’t disappear on me.” I mumble into his jacket.
“I’m not going anywhere.” He laughs, pulling back. “Text me in a bit so I have your number.”
I watch as he goes to his bike, getting on and it roars to life. The girls come running from behind the house to watch as he pulls out of the driveway.
“He’s so cool!” Skylar says with a huge grin.
“He’s old! But the bike is nice!” Samantha says.
“Hey! Are you calling me old?” I ask with a giggle.
“No, Momma.” They answer in unison.
“If you think he’s old, then you think I’m old too. We’re the same age.”
“Really?” Skylar says, looking back at the road as if she can still see Gage there.
“Men must age faster.” Samantha says to her sister with authority and I can’t stop myself from laughing.
These two are so funny sometimes without even knowing that they are. One day they’ll grow out of it.
The thought makes me sad which leads to me thinking about all the things in the girls’ future that Hank will miss out on.
I hurry back inside the house, trying to hide the tears that start down my face. I hate feeling like this all the time and that the girls see it.
I asked my mom about it almost a month ago and all she said was that there was no time limit on grief.
It’s been over six months already and I still cry as though it just happened. I wish there was a way to turn it off.
Washing away the trace of tears from my face in the bathroom twenty minutes later, I stare at my eyes reflected back at me in the mirror and make a promise to myself. To not break and allow the darkness that wants to consume me to take over.
I can only hope it’s a promise I can keep.
It doesn’t take me long to figure out the problem with the cameras out at the ranch. Most likely one of the barn cats pulled one of the wires loose up in the attic. Those damn cats get everywhere but they are a necessity out here for controlling any rodent issues.
“Thanks for your help, man. I never would have figured it out.” Torque says to me as I make my way to my bike.
“No problem. Are you checking fences this late in the evening?” I ask, taking note of the horse he’s saddling up.
“Nope. I’m just delivering some meds to Jesse. She’s out in the back pasture doctoring up one of the mustangs that got caught in the fence. Apparently, you can domesticate the beasts all you want but you can’t take all the wild out of them.”
“At this rate, Hayden might be better off dedicating a pasture just for them. One with a wooden fence. Might be cheaper in the long run.” I mention this although I know nothing about horses or the business side of horses.
“You’re probably right. Might be worth mentioning to Prez. Hayden’s more likely to listen if the Prez gets Mina to mention it.” He laughs and I have to agree.