I’ve currently got my computer sorting the data and placing a dot on a map so that we can see if there’s a pattern to be found.
It’s just a hunch that I have so until I get all the data sorted, I won’t be bringing it to my Prez and the rest of the brothers at Church.
Looking down at my phone for the third time in the last hour, I’m reminded yet again that Andi hasn’t reached out at all.
Not having her number has seriously bothered me this past week.
Even though she’s had more than half a year to accept Hank’s death, I would still like to be able to check in on her.
She, however, is used to me not being around and that is completely my fault.
I should have stayed back then, I know that now. Although, I have no idea how I would have been able to be around her and not touch her ever again.
Does she regret what happened between us?
How has she buried it all these years?
Did she ever tell Hank?
I’m not really sure if she did or not. I do know, he never let on to me that he knew. Yes our first phone call was a little tense and I could tell he was completely pissed off at me.
That didn’t stop him from calling me yet again about six months later.
Over the years, those conversations got easier and we’d talk about all kinds of things. He’d tell me all about the girls being born. How he felt when he held them for the first time and every milestone the two hit as they grew older.
I feel like I know them just as much as I know myself although we only just met a week ago. While they are identical twins, I have no problems telling them apart.
Sam’s the quiet one. She’s more reserved and acts older than she is but can be feisty when she needs to be.
Sky's the wild one. She’s open minded and very loud with her opinions. She’s also very protective of the ones she loves.
They both favor their mom but look very different from her. Come to think of it, they don’t really look like Hank either but what do I really know about genetics? I’m a computer geek that thinks reading code is the best thing in the world.
Looking at my computer as it works, I start to get impatient so I walk back and forth within the room.
Feeling completely closed in after several long minutes, I head towards the door and out of the clubhouse.
Jumping on my bike, I start it up and pull out onto the street. I once again head in the direction of Andi’s house but this time I turn into the driveway, coming to a stop just as the girls come around the side of the house.
“Hello.” Sky greats me first.
“Good afternoon, Sky. Sam.” I look directly at each as I say their names and they look at me with raised brows.
“You can tell us apart?” Sam asks with a gasp.
“Of course. You’re not exactly alike, you know.” They both look at each other assessingly.
“What’s different?” Sky demands, hands on her hips and I smile at her.
“Well, your hair parts more in the middle of your head whereas your sister,” I nod in her direction, “has a part that is more off center.”
Sam gets a huge grin on her face. “You’re really smart!” she says.
“Just observant. Besides, I had twin cousins that were identical. The only way to tell them apart was one had a tiny mole on his neck and the other didn’t.” I shrug.
“Where’s your mom?” I finally ask since she has yet to come to the door. There’s no way she didn’t hear my bike pull up.
“She’s in the bed.” Sam answers.