Da Han jumped up from his chair and shoved his wilted dick back into his pants and zipped them up. “About time. I want them taken to the basement and placed in different rooms.”

“All right,” Chen said, then pulled his cell phone out to text the message.

“What about other members of his crew? Did we find the last of them?” Da Han asked.

Mèng Yáo stepped up to her husband, adjusting his tie for him. “It's finally over.”

“Not until I see that motherfucker take his last breath,” Da Han growled.

“As for the remaining members, our men in China took care of them. Mr. Yeoh took care of those who were hiding in one of your uncle’s locations in Detroit. Your orders were followed. You wanted three of his crew and Wang Lu Mujin captured alive,” Chen said.

Da Han nodded. “Excellent. Get Yufei and those new members of his gang here. Let's see what they're made of.” He wanted to see if Yufei’s biker gang could measure up to Jade Dragon Triad standards, hence why he wanted three members caught alive.

“Yes, sir,” Chen said, then brought the phone to his ear to call Yufei.

Da Han pulled out his phone and called his son. His youngest with his ex-wife, Jia.

Yìchén answered the second time Da Han called. “Hi, dad.”

“What took you so long to answer?” Da Han asked, annoyed with the fact that he had to call twice.

“I was in the shower. I was going to call you back. What's up?” Yìchén asked.

Da Han huffed, but decided to get to the point. “I want you in the basement in an hour.”


“Because I told you so. But if you need a reason, even though you don't, it's time that you learn the business.”

“Li is your successor,” Yìchén said.

Da Han didn't respond.

The silence on the line told Yìchén everything he needed to know about his dad's opinion. "Seriously, I don't see why I have to get involved. Ren doesn't.”

“At this point, Ren is more man than you. He's involved and even played his part in getting me what I wanted to strengthen our business,” Da Han said.

“Only because he wanted to marry that man.”

“So, he found a way to get us both something we wanted and without any issues. What have you done, Yìchén?” Da Han could hear his son remove the phone from his ear and curse. He didn't care if his son liked what he was saying. He wanted a response. “Answer me.”

“I'm not like them, I guess. I'd rather focus on my photography.”

“You will prove yourself to this family tonight or you will be cut off. I'm not going to keep having this conversation with you, Yìchén. You will not continue to reap the benefits of our bloodshed and think you'll never have to shed your own,” Da Han stated. “Be in the basement in an hour or pack your bags.”

Da Han didn't wait to hear any protest or whining. He'd heard enough in the last year alone. He was done. His son would step up or he would get out. That was one tradition he would continue. It was what kept their triad going strong for generations. Every man and woman needed to be an active member on some level.

“You did the right thing, baby. Yìchén is spoiled... soft. He needs our tough love,” Mèng Yáo said, then kissed her husband's cheek.

Da Han nodded, then looked at Chen. “Do you agree?”

Chen smirked, then nodded. “He'll never be like the twins.”

Da Han scoffed. “Why? Because he's a submissive?”

Chen cocked an eyebrow. “He is?”

Da Han nodded. “I make it my business to know what my children are into. It's how I can keep them protected and under my control.”