“Might be, I have no idea.” Milan rose from the bench. “I'll be back.”

TT kissed him quickly before he walked off to follow the CO to the visitor's area. After going through the search protocol, he entered and looked around. That was when he saw two men sitting at one of the steel tables. They weren't wearing their cuts, but he knew exactly who they were. Niyol “Dasan” Murphy and Noah “Ace” Murphy, the President and Sergeant-at-Arms of the Lords of Chaos. Both men watched him with scrutinizing glares that he knew judged him with extreme prejudice. He'dbeen preparing himself for this meeting. Of course, before he confessed, he'd expected to meet these two men under very different circumstances. Now, he was about to see if his life was in jeopardy or not.

Clearing his throat, he put one foot in front of the other until he was standing before them. “May I sit?” he asked, gesturing to the steel stool bolted to the floor.

“Please,” Dasan said.

Milan settled before them, hands in his lap. The three men looked at each other in silence for a few seconds before Milan spoke. “I imagine you have a few questions for me?”

“Got any wires on you?” Dasan asked.

“No, nothing like that in here,” Milan said.

“How do we know that?” Ace asked, his tone was just as unfriendly as his father’s.

“Well, I can't strip here, so you'll have to take my word for it.” Milan looked at both men, wondering if they would stay or leave. His heart was thumping in his chest so fast, and his palms were sweaty. He couldn't remember the last time he'd been this nervous. All of his senses seemed to be heightened, which made him more anxious.

“Did you learn our code speech?” Dasan asked him.

“Some of it. Tim was teaching me,” Milan replied.

Ace hissed, his lips turned up in a snarl. “This motherfucker,” he said under his breath.

“Do you know how to sign?” Dasan asked him.

“No, I don't. I do understand that all members of the Lords must learn that language, though. If I'm accepted, I certainly will,” Milan assured him.

“And that's a big if,” Dasan remarked.

“I understand,” Milan said.

Ace snorted. “Do you?”

Milan looked at the man who he knew could back up their appearance. These were men who didn't run from fights, they ended them. Milan licked his lips and nodded. “I meant every word I said to both Tim and Dragon. I know what's required of me. And I swear, I never said anything.”

Dasan watched him carefully, looking for any telltale signs of deceit, but he found none. Of course, that could mean two things to him. Either Milan was excellent at lying, and he wasn't doubting that since he'd managed to fool Dopey, Tiny Tim, and his own enforcer and son, Dragon, for months. The other was that the man was simply telling the truth, which he was hard-pressed to give him the benefit of the doubt.

“Whether you meant it or not doesn't mean jack shit to me if you don't back it up. Do you honestly think we'll wait another several months until you're out of here to see if you'll hold up your end?” Dasan asked him.

Milan didn't answer him right away. He needed a few seconds to form his thoughts into words—the right words. “No, I imagine that you don't want to do that. What do you want me to do, then?”

“If you know who the CO is, handle your business in here,” Ace said.

“No help from the club,” Dasan said. “In other words, we don't have anything to do with whatever it is you're talking about.”

Milan nodded and swallowed. “I understand.”

“You've got one week,” Dasan said, then rose. “No exceptions.”

Ace followed his father and both men left the visiting area without another word. Milan exhaled slowly and blinked several times. His whole body felt hot and he was a little lightheaded. The CO called out to him and he took another deep breath and rose and left the area to return to TT.

“So, who was it?” Tim asked.

“Your club president and SA,” Milan replied.

TT whistled. “Damn, Ace was with him. I thought he'd bring Tank or Diesel instead.”

“Would that have been better?”