Richie slapped Dragon's biceps. “Mind your own damn business. Why are you worried about their sex life?”

“Tell 'em, Richie. Mind your nosy ass business,” TT added.

Dragon laughed. “Better get it in while you can. When our boys leave us, our hands will be our best friends. I'm already preparing my hand for these long months after my baby leaves me in a little while.” He'd been overjoyed when Richie informed him that he was leaving earlier than expected. He'd miss his man, but he'd much rather Richie be free, than in his bed while in a prison cell.

“Same for me,” Richie said. “I'll visit you every month, at least twice.”

“You better.” Dragon leaned over, kissing Richie. “That's why I'm going to fuck you every night until you're free.”

Richie smiled because that was exactly what he wanted.

Ajay looked at the two lovebirds in front of them and felt a bit envious of what they freely shared. He wanted that with Tim. He sighed and began to eat the disgusting food, then swallowed and grunted. “I'm going to make us something better than this tomorrow. I wish I had some curry.”

“We might be able to get you that or something close to it,” TT said.

“I hope so, I'll make something with the ramen noodles, summer sausage, and curry that will blow your mind,” Ajay said.

“I'll call my dad today to get that order in,” Dragon said.

The four men continued to chat and joke until it was time to leave. They dumped their trays and began shuffling out of the mess hall. They may have seemed lackadaisical, but they were anything but.

“Get ready,” Dragon whispered between TT and Ajay as he slyly positioned Richie out of the way.

Ajay's muscles were tensed as he readied himself for a possible attack. He could feel his adrenaline pumping as fast as his heart. His senses were alert, his reflexes were ready. He turned to look behind him and that was when he saw one of the men who had attacked him in the shower shortly after he'd arrived come up on Dragon. Before he could say anything, he watched in shock as the biker swiftly side-stepped the sharpened toothbrush that was aimed at him. Ajay was in awe of Dragon's skill when he quickly countered by stepping behind the would-be assassin, breaking his neck with a precise twist that made an audible snap.

“Holy Shit,” Ajay gasped at how slick it was. The crowd continued to move with the flow toward the open door. He felt TT's hand on the small of his back, silently ushering him forward as if nothing happened.

“Watch your six,” Dragon said as he broke off with Richie at his side to head to his job.

“It's retaliation for what we did to Cherry Buster's gang,” TT whispered into Ajay's ear. “Keep your eyes out for any of those shady fucks,” he said, then walked off like he'd normally would.

Ajay looked around but made sure he kept his expression neutral. He did notice that a few guards were starting to head toward the back of the crowd and he wondered if the body had been discovered. He'd been impressed by the proficiency and speed with which Dragon had killed the man. He knew that Dragon was the Lords of Chaos’ head enforcer, but this was the first time he'd seen the man in action. He was lethal. Ajay had to focus on his surroundings and pretend like he didn't just see a brutal scene. He went to his job in the library, but before he could get started, the blaring sound of the siren assaulted his ears, announcing a lockdown.


Back inside his cell with TT, they could finally talk. “So, how long do you think this lockdown will be?” Ajay asked.

TT shrugged. “Probably one or two days, nothing more. They still don't know who left those bitches broken in the shower that day, so they probably don't know who killed that asshole today. And trust me, they really don't care.”

“How did Dragon know about that guy?” Ajay asked.

TT smirked. “Because that motherfucker has eyes in the back of his head. He'd been monitoring them the whole time we were eating breakfast. It's hard to get the jump on Dragon. His instincts are damn near superhuman.”

“I know he can kill efficiently,” Ajay said.

“It was us or the other guy and I say fuck the other guy.”

“Will they try another attempt?”

TT nodded. “Most likely. Resentment runs deep in this place. Sometimes that's all a motherfucker has is his desire to get payback.”

“So, what are you going to do?”

“I'm going to make sure the Lords are the last men standing.”

Ajay nodded because that was his plan as well.

Chapter four