“Yeah, Bruiser and Goat did some damage, but shit, it was six on two and those motherfuckers had some tricky moves. Goat is pretty banged up too, but he doesn't need stitches.”

“Were they in our territory?” Wolf asked as he stomped off into the bathroom, his cock bobbing as it softened.

Demir looked at the wilting flesh between Wolf's legs with disappointment. He'd kill those fucking bikers for ruining his night and pleasure. Snarling, he climbed out of bed to clean up a bit because he already knew they weren't about to finish fucking after that phone call. He walked into the bathroom to see Wolf pissing as he got more details from Python.

“Yeah, this time they had completely breached our territory. The fight went down in front of Jay's Burgers,” Python said.

Demir turned on the shower and climbed in. A few minutes later, Wolf joined him.

“How serious is it?” Demir asked.

The two men bathed quickly.

“They roughed up my brothers. That's serious. No one died, but they might if they refuse to return their fucking cuts,” Wolf said.

Now that he was prospecting, Demir knew exactly how important a cut was to a biker and to have one taken away was a declaration of war. The Jade Dragon Triad was striking first and he needed to let Vito know and get orders. He climbed out and toweled off, then got dressed. While Wolf was tying up his boots, he called Vito.

“What is it?” Vito asked in a groggy voice.

Demir had noted the time was after midnight. It wasn't too unusual for the underboss to be asleep at this time, especially if he'd fucked his Minx. “We have a problem with the Jade Dragon Triad. They attacked two of the Lords tonight in our territory,” he informed him.

There was a bit of silence on Vito's end and Demir knew it was because the mobster was thinking about their options.

“You coming?” Wolf asked Demir.

“Go with him, back his play,” Vito said, giving Demir instructions and permission.

“Understood,” Demir said.

“Get back to me,” Vito said.

“I will.” Demir ended the call, then followed Wolf, making sure to grab his jacket and weapons on his way out of the door.

Wolf climbed onto his bike while Demir climbed behind the wheel of his Maserati. He followed behind Wolf as they headed toward the hospital. Once inside, the two joined up with several other Lords as they were gathered in the waiting room.

“I'm ready to fuck these bastards up,” CJ said, then punched his palm for emphasis.

“You and me both, brother,” Wolf said. He looked at Romeo, his VP. “Did they tell us where to come for their cuts?”

Romeo nodded, his long chestnut hair was braided down his back. He looked more like a model than a gritty biker. Men and women fell in love with him. “They have their hangout on the north side, Chang's Delights Chinese Restaurant. They said if we wanted their cuts back we were going to have to beg on our hands and knees for them. Maybe even lick their boots.”

Wolf scoffed. “I'll put a fucking bullet between their eyes before I do any of that shit,” he said low enough that just those closest to him could hear it.

“Hell yeah,” Romeo agreed.

“What do you want to do, Pres?” CJ asked.

Demir was watching the bikers and knew that a lot wouldn't be discussed in the public waiting room. The real strategic planning would take place once they got back to the clubhouse and regrouped.

“For now, no one does anything, you got me? We need to meet back at the clubhouse. We're down some people and we don't know what we'll be walking into. We need to handle this the right way,” Wolf said.

The men and women nodded, giving complete trust in their president. Everyone knew Wolf wouldn't make any stupid or rash decisions.

“Where's Python?” Wolf asked.

“Inside the ER with Bruiser and Goat,” Romeo said. “Doc should be wrapping up those stitches by now.”

“Good.” Wolf nodded. “From this moment on, we are on high alert. Not lockdown, not yet. But I want everyone at the clubhouse within the next two hours.”