“I think we can skip the part about you lying about being a virgin,” TT said, breaking the silence.
Being reminded of one of the lies he'd told felt like a stab straight to his heart. Ajay had so much to make up for. He rose off the floor, then sat on the bed. TT decided to join him because they had a lot to talk about.
Ajay licked his lips and looked at TT. “I'm going to be an open book. You can ask me anything about myself, I'll tell you the truth.”
“Why now? Why be honest now? I mean...” TT laughed, but it wasn't one filled with humor. He scratched at his temple, then looked at Ajay. “You're fucking good. I always thought I'd be able to spot a fucking rat or cop, but you played me like a pro.”
Ajay lowered his head. “I deserve your ire. I deserve everything.”
“You deserved to have your ass kicked, but that didn't happen. You kicked mine instead,” TT said. “So, how long have you been a cop?”
“Let me just start at the beginning. It will be easier,” Ajay said. “First off, you asked 'why now?' I told you. Because I was dumb enough to let my guard down around you. I wasn't supposed to fall in love with you. I wasn't supposed to love the way you laugh. The way you smell. The way you snore just a little when you're asleep. I wasn't supposed to love the way I knew you loved me. I didn't need to hear you say the words to know that you already felt them.” Ajay scoffed. “I wasn't supposed to let you suck my dick that night. But I was so moved by your concern for me... I... I wanted you.”
“Well, at least now I know why you've been acting weird,” TT said.
“I was caught between a rock and a fucking spiked wall. Either side was going to destroy my career. But only one side would kill me,” Ajay said.
Hearing that gave TT even more perspective. He sighed, releasing more tension. “How much does the DEA know?”
“Nothing... at least not from me. I've been feeding them the line that you guys haven't revealed anything to me. And technically, that's not a lie. The Lords keep their secrets close to their cuts,” Ajay said.
“Jesus fucking Christ,” TT hissed and ran his hands over his face. He didn't know where to begin with the questions he needed to ask... he had so many.
“Tim, my real name is Milan Patel. I've been with the DEA for six years, but before that, I was a Navy S.E.A.L. I went into the military when I was eighteen. I'm actually thirty-two years old.”
“Holy shit. You told me you were twenty-three and you're nine years older than that?” TT asked, his eyes wide in shock. A part of him was pissed that yet another lie was revealed, but then he was also surprised to see just how hot the man looked. Not to mention that Ajay—no—Milan was three years older than him.
Milan sighed. “I know. It was decided that since I looked so much younger than my age, pretending to be younger would lend credence to my naivete. Maybe you'd be more willing to help me.”
“Ah fuck,” TT said with a chuckle. Again, there was no humor in his voice, just disappointment. “I fell for it all. You and your pretty face.”
“My mom really did die when I was younger and she did teach me how to cook. I learned more because I love to cook. I was planning on opening my own restaurant once I retired,” Milan said.
“Oh, fan-fucking-tastic for you. Meanwhile, my fucking club is going to kill me for letting you in. I didn't vet you good enough and vouched for you to pledge—Fuck!” TT snapped then rose off the bed to pace the tiny space. “Are you wearing a wire? Have you ever worn one in here?”
“No, never,” Milan admitted.
“You better not be lying to me, Ajay... I mean Milan,” TT said.
“I'm not. I've never had a wire on in here. I'm the only one who is supposed to report everything, no wire needed,” Milan said.
“Are you certain you didn't tell them about the men I fucked up in the shower?”
Milan shook his head. “No, I swear.”
“What about the asshole who Dragon took out in the mess hall?”
“No, they asked about that, but I told them that I didn't know anything about it. I swear on my life, Tim, I didn't tell them anything.”
TT nodded as he played with his bottom lip. A thousand thoughts ran a relay race in his mind and he was struggling to keep up. “Okay... okay... so why are they after us?”
“I'm about to tell you top-secret information because I want you to trust me. I also want you to know that I chose you. I chose you and the Lords over my career,” Milan said.
“Why? And don't tell me it's because you love me.”
“I do love you.”
“I need more. If I'm supposed to go to bat for you again against my club, I need to know more than that,” TT said.