Ren scoffed, then stood up. “I'm better than any of those fuckers. What were they doing for you? Whatcouldthey do for you that I can't? I'm the one who saved you—me!” He stomped his foot and his security, who'd been observing, shifted positions in case they had to act.

Monty caught their movements and felt it was best to calm Ren down. Perhaps, he needed to give Ren the discipline that thebrat wanted. “Sit down,” he said in a tone that meant business. All deep and demanding.

Hearing Montgomery give him a command in that tone sent a jolt of excitement through Ren that nearly made him swoon. Top it off with the stern expression and Ren was ready to obey. Immediately, he sat down in the seat next to Montgomery.

Montgomery looked at Ren, making sure he had the boy's undivided attention. “Listen carefully, brat. You haven't earned the right to touch me. To feel my skin beneath your fingertips is a privilege you must work for. I will not tolerate you acting out in public because you didn't get your way. When you do, I will punish you. Do you understand?”

Ren's cock stood at a full salute and he thought he would shoot his load right then and there. Christ, he was fully loaded and practically trembled with the need to cum. He'd never been so hard in his life. All of the fantasies he had of Master Ellis, of being his boy, were finally coming true and it was way better than he'd ever imagined. He wanted to drop to his knees and do every dirty, little nasty thing Montgomery wanted. His mouth salivated at servicing the only Dom deserving of his devotion. He licked his lips and swallowed because it gave him time to find his voice again.

Ren nodded. “Yes, sir.”

“In fact, you have already earned several punishments. You will learn what they are once we get home. Until then, be quiet.” Monty's tone and complete demeanor had taken on his Master Ellis role. Truth be told, he was already in that mode in nearly everything he did. He was a dominant personality and he needed to hold the reins, especially in matters of the bedroom. But there was a time and place for him to let loose and in public, in a hospital waiting room, wasn't the place. However, his nature wouldn't allow for a sub to step out of line in his presence. Evenmore so when you considered that sub was now his, whether he wanted him or not.

Ren shivered from the whole experience he was getting. Here was that man he'd seen in all of those sexy suits complete with corset vests. He wondered what it would have been like to be under his command, and now he was getting the full treatment and he was delirious with ecstasy. Yes, yes... incurring Montgomery's wrath because of their arranged marriage was worth it if this was what he had to look forward to. He obeyed... for now, because he still loved to push back to see just how much he could get away with. But for the moment, he'd behave.

Chapter twelve


Ajay spent the dayin distress after speaking with Kevin. He'd been so conflicted about his emotions and his allegiances, but meeting his husband put a lot into perspective. As much as he fought his feelings toward Tim Davis, he couldn't deny them. Every time they had sex, he wanted to take it all the way. Every second they spent together, getting to know each other, the more he wanted to give himself to Tim. When he first took the case, he didn't think he'd fall for the biker. He was still pissed at his husband for cheating on him—multiple times. He'd presented Kevin with divorce papers, but the asshole refused to sign. At his wits end, for some reason, he thought going undercover in a fucking prison would give him the distraction he needed. A purpose, something to do. Put bad guys away.

He was a badass DEA agent, after all. But something about Tim was different than what he was used to. The man had a sense of justice and loyalty that even some cops didn't have. But that was just one thing he found himself admiring. All of their conversation delved deeper and Tim had lain out his soul to Ajay and every time he did, the guilt Ajay felt grew. He hadn'tcompletely lied to Tim about his past, but he wasn't as honest with the man as he had been with him. He'd done undercover work before and didn't give a shit about lying to the people he was infiltrating. He took them down without a second thought. But Tim, god, he wanted Tim. Needed that hot-as-hell biker. And that was why he felt conflicted and had been lost in his thoughts all day.

“Either you're the slowest reader in the world, or that page is so engrossing, you don't want to flip it,” Tiny Tim said, noticing that Ajay had been staring at the same page of his book for the past half hour. “What's wrong?”

Ajay sighed and closed the book. If he exposed himself, he could lose everything. If he didn't, he’d still lose everything. He had every chance to tell the DEA what he knew. He was a witness to one of them killing a man. Granted, it was in self-defense, but still. That information could be used against them. He could have told Kevin or even his original handler, Mason, about what went down in the showers the day he was attacked. But it didn't feel right, especially when Tim did what he did to protect him.

“Ajay? What's wrong?” TT asked him again, sitting up and scooting closer. He took Ajay's hand into his own, giving it a reassuring squeeze. “Is somebody in here fucking with you? You haven't been the same since speaking with your lawyer. Did you get some bad news?”

It was actions like that which made Ajay yearn for Tim. His experience with Tim let him know how wonderful it felt to be with someone who genuinely cared about him and his happiness. Kevin made him feel small, oppressed, and honestly, the infidelity was the catalyst that gave him the strength to leave the man. Having lived with a real man. A good man since he had arrived at the prison, he knew what he'd been denying himself. True love.

“We need to talk,” Ajay said.

TT inhaled and his muscles tensed. “I don't like the sound of that.”

Ajay had to brace himself, because he was about to do something he didn't think he'd ever do in his entire life. And that was put everything on the line for the one person he knew was meant for him. Every kiss, every stroke, every smile and word spoken from Tim wrapped Ajay up in bliss. He wasn't supposed to be happier in a damn prison than he was at home, but he was. Every meeting he'd had with Mason prior was a grim reminder of a reality he wanted to escape. It wasn't just Tim who he enjoyed being around either, but Dragon, Dopey, and Richie too. Now, he had to fight for the life he deserved and hoped Tim and the other Lords would accept him.

He climbed off the bed because he needed to put space between him and Tim to get his confession out. His chest felt tight, his mouth was dry, and his stomach swirled with the nervousness he was feeling. He wanted to cry as he looked into Tim's concerned eyes, but he held it in. His mind raced with thoughts about how to do it. Should he build up to it, or just come on out with it? Tim's blue eyes were watching him, waiting. Ajay sighed. For months, he'd been fighting a losing battle by trying not to fall in love with a criminal. He owed the biker the hard-boiled truth. He knew Tim would appreciate that.

“Okay, I'm sure you know that I've been weird this last month, and especially today,” Ajay said.

TT nodded. “Yeah, I figured you'd tell me what was wrong when you were ready.”

Ajay ran his fingers through his hair. “Oh man, this is so fucked.”

“Are you breaking up with me?” TT asked.

No, but you may break up with me after you hear what I have to say,Ajay thought. “I'm...” he trailed off, then took a deep breath, releasing it slowly. “I'm in love with you, Tim.”

TT blinked a few times, then smiled. “Oh shit.” He let out an exasperated sigh, then ran his hand over his mohawk and tattooed scalp. “Talk about being dramatic. What, is that it? You had me scared that this was it for us.” He rose off the bed, coming toward Ajay for a kiss, but when Ajay backed up, he stopped his approach and frowned. “What's wrong? You just told me you're in love with me. That's great, because I'm in love with you, too.”

Ajay's shoulders slumped as he looked down. This may have been easier if the love was one-sided. But now, the confession of his betrayal was going to leave them both brokenhearted. “Tim...”

TT came up to him then, taking Ajay into his arms. “Listen, if you're not ready for sex, I can wait. I'm just happy to know that you love me too,” he said, smiling.

Again, Ajay pushed Tim back. “I need you to listen to me.”

TT frowned, but kept the distance between them. “Okay. What's wrong?”