Ren wanted to fight back and ride in the car with Montgomery, but he could see the logic and concern behind Sakura's words.“Fine,” he relented and joined his security team in their car, taking a seat in the back. He watched as Montgomery pulled off and they followed. It was Ren's car with two of his security detail and then a car traveling behind theirs with four more guards.

“You and your husband should discuss where you're going to live,” Sakura suggested.

Ren shrugged. “I want to live with him in his house. I was only staying in a fancy condo because it was close to my school. I'll just have to get up earlier to get to class on time.” He was willing to make that sacrifice.

“We'll have the servants begin packing your belongings when we get back,” Sakura said.

Ren was silent as he looked out of the window. He played several scenarios in his mind about how the rest of his night was going to go. A part of him wished his mother hadn't stabbed Montgomery's father. Now, he was going to have an even more difficult time with his new husband. Also, had she not done that, they could be heading straight to Montgomery's home instead of the hospital. This wasn't what he wanted to do, and he wondered just how long he should wait with his new in-laws before demanding he and Montgomery leave. Howard just needed some stitches; it wasn't life-threatening. And had he not triggered his parents in the first place by being stubborn, he wouldn't have gotten stabbed.

As he thought about the situation, it annoyed him even more that his plans had been derailed all because Montgomery's father didn't know his place. He pouted as they pulled into the hospital parking lot for guests. Before getting out, he decided to play the dutiful husband and be supportive. It would only smooth things over with Montgomery later.


“I'm going to live with you,” Ren told Montgomery when he sat down beside him in the visitor's room. Ren had remained with his security while Montgomery's father waited to be seen so as not to interrupt them.

Montgomery's mother was with her husband and he had opted to stay behind.

Montgomery was quiet, which irritated Ren. He sat there, chin resting on his fist, ankle on his thigh, and arm draped over his knee as he ignored Ren.

“So, what? You're not going to talk to me tonight?” Ren asked.

More silence.

“I didn't stab your dad,” Ren said in his defense. “And I'm here being all supportive.”

More silence from Montgomery.

Ren huffed and crossed his arms over his chest, his lips tight as his brows furrowed in his frustration. He hated being disregarded, especially by his husband. The man he wanted so badly. He had lost precious sleep jerking off to thoughts of him. “I can make you talk to me,” he said.

Finally, Montgomery turned to him. “What do you want from me right now?”

Ren looked at him and uncrossed his arms. “I want us to talk. We're married and we need to discuss some things.”

Montgomery sighed and scratched his eyebrow. “I'm still trying to process everything that happened tonight. What took place wasn't any marriage I would have wanted. I have to figure out how I'm supposed to run the company my family used to own the way your father wants the business conducted. My mother is a terrified wreck, my father is seething with rage and getting over twenty stitches. Not to mention, he just had to sign over his legacy. On top of all that, you're sitting here wanting me to give you attention. You and your family may have gotten whatyou wanted, but don't expect me to be grateful for the position you put us in.”

Ren rolled his eyes. “My family did yours a favor. My father saved your company that was about to go under. He even allowed you to keep your shares. You were on the verge of losing everything, and he bailed you out. Regardless of what happened tonight, you were heading down a road that led to you all having nothing.”

Monty scoffed. “My father had a buyer lined up.”

“One who wasn’t going to pay you nearly what you made tonight. Your reputation would still be ruined. The name of your company would have changed and you would not still be the CEO or even have the opportunity to become the owner in the future. My father gave you a sweet deal,” Ren snapped back. Yes, he had paid close attention to that meeting and what he’d researched about Montgomery before he had approached his father.

Monty stared at Ren, unable to refute his words.

Ren continued, seeing that he had the upper hand. “Speechless, I see. And another thing… had your father not been so stupid and stubborn, my mom wouldn't have reacted the way that she did. Thanks to my family, you can cancel the yard sale and auction. And 'on top of all that'...” he said, mocking Montgomery's phrase—British accent included. “You get to be married to a man who wants you. No more fleeting fucks in a dark room of that club for you with random strangers. You have me now, and I'm a fucking prize.”

At that, Montgomery cocked an eyebrow. As much as he wanted to deny it, Ren was right about his family business. Just that morning, he was looking at apartments he'd be able to afford. He was also trying to figure out which one of his cars he'd be able to keep while selling the others. What he hated was feeling indebted to Da Han. As ruthless as the man was, he knewit could have been worse. Had Ren not wanted him, Da Han would have taken everything and left them with nothing. That man already had his sights set on their company and the means to get it at a steal. The only reason he saved their reputation and finances was because he was going to be marrying his son.

“Well, got anything to say to me?” Ren asked him. He was challenging Montgomery to negate his claim.

“You're right. My family was in financial ruin and it was my father's fault. I couldn't save it, no matter how hard I tried. Your father allowed us to preserve our reputation and livelihood. I won't deny that. I also know that he did so because of your attraction to me,” Montgomery said.

Ren smiled and slid his arm through Montgomery's, hooking his elbow. “I wanted to make sure I could protect you.” Montgomery removed his arm from Ren's hold to the other man's disappointment. Ren pouted. “So, I can't touch you now?”

“I'm not in the mood to be touched, Ren. To be honest, I don't know you and you don't know me. You're in love or lust with the idea of who I am. We've never been with each other outside of the few encounters we've had at the club. Do not expect me to be intimate with you,” Montgomery said.

Ren snarled. “You can fuck some boy you met at the club for the first time, you don't know anything about him. But me? That's where you draw the line? You know more about me now than you knew about them.”

“Maybe that's the problem,” Montgomery said.