Both Ren and Monty completed their vows to each other and when it came time to exchange rings, Montgomery was shocked to discover the platinum ring Ren slipped on his finger fit perfectly.

“How did you know my ring size?” Monty asked him.

Ren smirked. “I know a lot about you.” He beamed down at the matching ring now on his finger and he couldn't be happier. And when the minister pronounced them married, he reached up and grabbed Montgomery by the back of his head and brought his face down to his to kiss him.

Monty's lips remained closed, but he didn't snatch away and that gave Ren hope that he would be able to win the stubborn Dom over. He pulled back, smiling. “We're married now,” he said.

Monty only sighed, then turned to Da Han and Mèng Yáo. “So, does this satisfy you?”

“For now. I think once you two have settled into your relationship, we'll be able to arrange for a proper celebration,” Da Han said. “Remember what we discussed and the contract you signed.”

Montgomery nodded. “I understand.”

“Good.” Da Han looked at his son. “I hope you know what you're doing.”

Ren grinned and nodded. “I do. Thank you.”

“I think we'll have a grand party in the future to celebrate your wedding properly,” Mèng Yáo said as she kissed and hugged her son.

“I'd love that, mom,” Ren said. He figured with Montgomery being unable to run away from him or deny him, he could easily get the sexy Dom to fall in love with him.

Montgomery walked away from Ren to go to his parents and check in on them. The bleeding in his father's hand had stopped, but the man still needed medical attention. Ren decided that it was time for him to do his duties as a husband and go with his man to the hospital.

“We should go get him some stitches or whatever,” Ren told his parents.

Both his mom and dad turned to see Howard talking with his son and wife. “I suppose,” Da Han said. He turned back to his son. “I'm heading back to Chicago, but you have your security.”

Ren nodded. “I know. Thank you.”

“I'll send you copies of those documents when I get back.”

“Okay,” Ren said.

Both of his parents hugged him before they left, but not before giving the William-Prices a final wave goodbye. Howard only glowered as he watched them leave. His wife, Margie, released a sigh of relief, but remained tense as others lingered.

Ren's siblings came over to him, giving him hugs.

“So, you married the blond-haired, blue-eyed Dom from that club you like,” Xiù said.

Ren nodded. “I can't wait to have him all to myself.”

“What is it about him that makes him stand out?” Li asked.

Ren pursed his lips. “Well, he's just on another level than the other Doms. He's so smooth and always in control. I mean, you saw him in there. The way he spoke to mom and dad, he was so fucking hot.”

Li chuckled. “Yes, I will admit, I was surprised to see that he didn't cower.”

Ren nodded. “Exactly. He would never be some simp. He is so sure of himself and I know he's the right Dom for me.”

Xiù laughed and shook her head. “Can't wait to kneel at his feet, can you?”

“'I'm not going to get into that with you,” Ren said, because he wasn't in the mood to have his lifestyle mocked by his sister.

She waved her hand. “Whatever. I just hope you're happy now that you two are married.”

“I know I will be. Anyway, thank you for coming.”

“Dad told us to, but we didn't find out what was fully going on until we were on the plane,” Li said.