“Then... accept the life or walk away.”

“Ugh, you suck,” Ren fussed.

“'Very good', I've been told.”

“Ewww. I've got to go,” Ren said, then ended the call without saying goodbye. He had a lot to think about. For now, he had class to attend.


“How was school?” Montgomery asked him as he sliced pieces of his steak.

Ren watched him lift the meat, moist in its juices, to his lips and consume it. Even the way the man chewed his food was sexy, and Ren wondered if it was deliberate. On top of that, he was still wearing his business suit: vest, tie, shirt, slacks, and shoes, sans the jacket. Something about Monty in a suit drove Ren to the brink of his sanity. How could one person have him so enthralled? And why did it seem like he was the only one suffering? He was hot as hellfire, damn it! He knew it. He could have any man he wanted eating out of the palm of his hand, and yet... Montgomery William-Price was playing hard to get. No. this wasn't playing hard to get, this was playing impossible to get.

Montgomery chuckled. “Refusing to answer me?” He cut another bite-size piece and ate it. His blue eyes slowly rose to watch Ren with keen interest.

Ren's mouth was dry and he coughed to buy himself some time.How was school?He couldn't very well tell him that he could hardly focus on his lessons because every thought was about him. He cleared his throat, and took a swallow of hiswater, which gave him time to formulate his words. “I'm doing well,” he lied. He had failed his pop quiz.

Montgomery arched an eyebrow and just that little shift in his facial expression made Ren's cock stir. This man was kissed by the sun, blessed by all the gods, and a gift given to him. Of that, he was certain. No one was worthy to have Montgomery but him.

“How's work?” Ren asked, simply to keep the small talk going.

Monty sighed and ate another bite of steak. “I suppose you could say that I'm learning the ropes of your family's organized crime business.”

“My brother says you're a natural,” Ren stated.

Again, the look that Montgomery gave him made him want to slink out of his chair, crawl on all fours toward the man who was sex incarnate, and suck the man's dick like his life depended on it.

“You're getting updates on my progress?” Monty asked.

“Not really. I didn't ask specifically. I just wanted to make sure you were okay at work,” Ren said.

“So, you were worried about me?” Monty asked, then sipped his wine.

Ren's eyes fixated on the slow bob of Montgomery's Adam's apple with each swallow. Again, he licked his lips as he imagined just how delicious his Dom's skin would taste.

Montgomery placed his glass down, then his fork. His gaze lingered on Ren and the brat lowered his eyes to his plate. “Are you ready to be mine?” he asked him.

Ren's head shot up, his mouth slightly agape. “Yours?”

Montgomery nodded. “Are you ready to give me what I want? What we both want and need?”

Ren swallowed hard and nodded. “I... I want you,” he said.

Montgomery laughed softly as he leaned back in his chair, legs spread wide. “Yes, I know. But how badly do you want me, my little brat?”

Oh my god, hearing Montgomery call him his little brat almost made him pass out from delirium. He'd try to kill anyone who dared to call him that. But with Monty... it was special. From now on, no one else would be allowed to use the term.

“I... I n—need you,” Ren said so softly, it was barely audible.

“Speak up,” Montgomery commanded.

Ren took a deep breath. He was used to powerful men in his life. His father, grandfather—uncles—older brother, and all of the men in the triad. But not one of them made him feel the way Montgomery did. Not to say he lusted after those men, of course not. But they didn't make him feel like he had to obey them. There was an edge of fear and it was mixed with an intense desire that he had for Monty... Master Ellis.

Ren rose from his chair and walked over to Montgomery, then dropped to his knees before the man. He looked up at him. “You're the only man I want to have control of me,” he said and he blinked twice, because it amazed him just how easily those words rolled off his tongue. They were the most honest words he'd ever spoken.

Montgomery's blue gaze was unreadable as he looked down at his bratty husband. He knew when someone was lying to him and what Ren said was full of raw emotion. The kind of passion that made his dick fill with blood.

“I will not have a repeat of what happened before, Ren. You know what kind of man I am. What kind of Dom I am. When I punish you, it is because I need to punish you and you need to be punished. When I pleasure you, it is my desire and because you have earned the privilege. There will be times when I'll use your body as I wish and will deny you an orgasm. You must work hard to please me in order to get those. You are mine and will live as I deem fit, do you understand?”