Demir "Shadow Fox" Balik

Two Weeks Later

“When did you say his plane landed?” Vito asked Demir, who was in the process of giving him updates about the Jade Dragon Triad.

“Around ten this morning,” Demir said, reading the text off his cell phone. “Da Han and his wife, Mèng Yáo, along with their Vanguard, Chen Yang.”

Vito took in the information because that meant the triad was making serious moves. Da Han had been living in Greenwich, Connecticut, but now it would appear that he was setting up roots in Chicago.

“Do we have any updates on who killed his father two months ago?” Vito asked. It was something he'd taken great interest in, considering the Triad was their enemy.

“Rumor is that the uncle did it. Pretty ruthless as Da Han was also attacked, and his bodyguard was killed trying to protect him. Apparently, the uncle wanted to take out his brother and his successors and gain control over the triad. His uncle had his own crew and that's who they're at war with now,” Demir said.

Vito nodded slowly. He couldn't ever imagine going after his brother and nephew like that. Their blood was thicker than anything and betrayal of their oath and loyalty to each other would not go unpunished.

“That may explain why they're just now centering their attention on Chicago. They're positioning themselves just in case we make moves against them. With me getting rid of the Mancini family, that gives us full control of the south side of the city. Eventually, we're going to take over the whole city, Da Han knows that.” Vito said.

“He purchased a huge home in the Gold Coast neighborhood from the intel I have.”

“Not a bad idea to have a highly guarded compound like that. Of course, attacking them in one place may prove to be easier or harder depending on how well-trained their people are,” Vito said.

Demir nodded. “I'll get the blueprints of his mansion.”

“Who's all living there?”

“His two brothers, wife, and children,” Demir said.

Vito cocked an eyebrow. “All of his children?”

Demir shook his head. “No. His youngest son, Ren Mujin, is living in Orlando now. He's attending the Hillary University of Arts. But the information I have is that his father increased his security. Sakura Ishii is now in control of his detail.”

“What do we know about him?”

Demir flipped through files on his phone to the one he wanted. “Not all that much, to be honest. He's from the Saotome Yakuza family, so it stands to reason that he is highly skilled. Not to be underestimated.”

“Da Han would send one of his best to protect his son,” Vito commented.

“We have eyes on them,” Demir assured him.

“Good. Alert me as soon as you learn anything,” Vito ordered.

“Well...” Demir began.

“What? Speak your mind.”

“I'm just wondering, maybe we should attack them now since they're dealing with their internal conflict,” Demir said. “This is the perfect time to make our move.”

Vito shook his head. “If things were going smoother in New York, I'd jump all over it. But with our resources being drawn there, we can't risk a war on two fronts. Two of the Five Families are giving Rico hell. Most of our people are there. The Jade Dragon Triad also has their Yakuza connections... for now, we don't act until we have the opportunity.”

“Understood,” Demir said, then touched the earpod he had to answer the call. “I'll let him know,” he told the person on the other end.

“What is it?” Vito asked.

“You have a visitor. Should I let her in?”

“Who is she?”

“Mrs. Caroline Harper.”